Cespitose; forming matted tufts.
Chlorophyll; tlie green matter in
the cells of leaves.
Chlorophyllose; containing chloro-
CUlum. (plural) Cilia; liair-like
divisions between tlie segments
of the inner peristome, or slender
liali's on tlie borders oi tlie leaves.
Circinate ; rolled inward from the
tip into a circle or spiral.
Cirrliose ; with a very narrow or
liair-like wavy point.
Cladocarpi; mosses having tliefruit
terminal on short lateral branches.
Clavate; club-shaped.
Close; appressed (of leaves).
Colluin; the neck or tapering base
of tlie capsule.
Columella; the central axis around
whicli are placed the spores in
the capsule.
Comal or comose; tufted at the apex.
Complánate ; flattened; lying in the
same plane.
Gonfervoid; thread-like, ordiffusely
filaiiieiitose, like a Conferva.
Confluent; blended together; co-
lieren t.
Connate ; united or grown together
from the flrst.
Connivent; directed all together
toward a common centre.
Constricted; suddenly contracted
in width, not at the extremity.
Contracted; narrowed or shortened.
Convolute ; rolled up lengthwise.
Cordate; heart-shaped.
Coriaceous; of thick texture, like
Cortex; the outer integument of
Cortical; belonging to the cortex.
Costa; the medial nerve or rib of a
Crenate; having the borders cut
into small obtuse teeth.
Cribrose; perforated like a sieve,
with small apertures.
Crispate; cnrled or bent in various
Cucullate; hood-shaped, rolled up
like a cornet of paper; as applied
to the calyptra, conical and cleft
on one side.
Cultriform; like the blade of a
Cuneate; w-edge-shaped, with the
angle downward.
Cupuliform; shaped like a dolne.
Cuspidate ; tapering to a stout
acute point.
Deciduous; falling off easily.
Decumbent ; reclined on the ground,
the summit tending to rise.
Decurrent (leaves); the borders
prolonged downward upon the
Deflexed ; bent downward.
Defluent ; running downward.
Dehiscent; opening or splitting
Dendroid ; tree-like in form or aj)-
Dentate ; toothed.
Denticulate ; witli small teetli.
Deoperculate ; applied to a capsule
after its lid has fallen off.
Diaphanous ; transparent or translucent.
Diaphragm; a dividing membrane
or partition.
Dichotomous ; two-forked.
Dimidiate ; split on one side.
Dimorphous ; of two forms.
Dioecious; with the male and female
flowers on separate plants.
Disciform ; shaped like a flat disk.
Distichous; in two opposite rows;
Divaricate ; widely spreading and
Divided ; cleft to the base.
Divisural (line); tbe line down the
teeth of the peristome by which
they split.
Dorsal ; placed on the back or
outer surface of the leaves.
Ducts ; narrow linear cells resembling
vessels, separating the cellules
of the leaves of Sqihagnum.
Ecostate ; without costa.
Emarginate ; notched at the'summit.
Emergent (capsules); rising slightly
above the perichætium.
Epiphragm ; membrane covering
the orifice of the capsule.
Equal (capsule); symmetrical.
Eradiculose ; without rootlets.
Erose ; irregularly notched, as if
Excurrent ; extending beyond the
apex of the leaf.
Exserted ; protruding above.
Falcate (leaves); scythe-shaped;
strongly curved and more or less
Fascicle ; a close cluster of leaves
on a very short branch.
Fasciculate (branches); clusters of
short latei’al unequal branches.
Fastigiate ; liaving the branches of
equal height, in close clusters.
Fertile (flower); with archegonia,
or fruit-bearing.
Fibrils; small fibres or filaments
lining the utricles of Sphagnum.
Filiform; thread-like.
Fimbriate; fringed.
Fissile ; easily split or divided.
Fistulöse ; hollow and cylindrical.
Flagelliform; long, nai-row, and
flexible, like the lash of a whip.
Elavescent; yellowish or turning
Frondiform; like the leaves of
ferns; having stem and leaves
fused in one.
Frondose ; frond-bearing, or like a
Fugacious; soon falling away.
Fusiform; spindle-shaped.
Geminate; twin; in pairs.
Gemma, (plural) Gemmce; a bud;
loose granular bodies capable of
becoming plants.
Gemmule ; a small bud.
Gemmaceous; bearing gemmce.
Gemmiforrn ; shaped like a bud.
Geniculate; suddenly bent at an
Gibbous; more tumid on one side
than on the other.
Glaucous; covered with a bloom
or pulverulent.
Granulated; rouglush on the surface.
Granuliferous; bearing small
Granulose; resembling small grains.
Gregarious; growing In clusters,
but not matted together.
Gymnostome; witb the orifice of the
capsule naked; without peristome.
Hamate; hooked.
Hamulose ; bearing or formed into
small hooks.
Hispid; bristly; beset with stiff
Homomallous (leaves); bent or
curved all to one side.
Hyaline ; transparent.
Hygroscopic; sensitive to moisture;
moving when moistened or dried.
Hypogynous; inserted at the base
of tlie pistil.
Imbricated ; overlapping each other
like tiles or shingles ou a roof.
Immarginate ; without margin.
Immersed (capsule) ; covered over
and concealed by the leaves of
the pericbætium.
Incumbent; leaning or resting upon.
Indéhiscent; not splitting open or
Inflexed; bent inward.
Inflorescence ; the arrangement of
the flowers.
Innovation; ayoun^shoot; a supplementary
extension of the stem.
Involucral ; belonging to the involucre.
Involucre ; a whorl of leaves arouhd
a flower.
Irregular ; unsyrametric.
Julaceous; resembling a slender
glossy worm ; aiuent-llke.
iMcindoe; slender lobes or segments.
Laciniate ; cut into deep narrow
segments or shreds.
Lacunose ; perforated with holes.
Lamella ; a small thin plate, or
thin narrow projection.
Lamellate ; consisting of small
plates or lamellæ.
Lamelliform ; like lamellæ.
Lamina ; the substance of a leaf,
excepting the nerve ; the terminal
part of tiie leaf in Fissidens.
Lanceolate. ; lance-sbaped.
Latticed; see Cancellate.
Lid; the cover of the orifice of the
capsule; tbe operculum.
Ligulate; strap-shaped.
Linguiform, or Lingulate; tongueshaped.
Lorate; thong-shaped.
Macrospores; spores of large size,
in opposition to microspores, in
mosses with two kinds of spores.
Mamillate; tipped with a small
Margin (of a leaf); a border of
ceils of peculiar shape or color.
Medullary; pertaining to the pith
of stems.
Microspores; small spores. See
Microstome ; having a small mouth
or orifice.
Midrib; middle nerve of a leaf.
Mitriform; mitre-sliaped ; in the
form of a peaked cap; conical,
■ with somewhat narrowed orifice.