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plants produced in buds in the felt of radicles: capsule long,
cernuous, rarely erect, cylindrical, somewhat incurved, arcuate
when dry, solid ; lid convex at base, gradually narrowed into a
strong beak, as long as the capsule ; peristome solid, dark red ;
annulus none. — Fund. Muse. ii. 92 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 75 ; Braithw.
1. c. 146, t. 21, A. Bryum scoparium, Linn. Spec. PL 1117.
Var. sq u a rro sum . Leaves broader, reflexed-squarrose, the
perichætial costate, with a longer flexuous dent,ate point : capsule
narrower. — D. scoparium, var., Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-
Am. Exsicc. n. 60.
Var. p a lu d o sum , Bruch & Schimp. Tufts light green;
plants long, robust : leaves large, rugulose. Much like B .
paludosum, and often confounded with it.
Var. p a llid um . Plants and leaves pale green ; cells of the
areolation long and vermicular, irregularly walled ; perichætial
leaves rounded-sinuate above : capsule cylindrical, very arched.
— B . pallidum, Muell. ; not Bruch & Schimp. B . scoparium,
var., Sulliv. & Lesq. 1. c., n. 61.
Had. Santly ground, roots of trees, rocks, etc., plains, hills and mountains
; very common and variable. The first variety on granite rocks in the
Alleghany Mountains, Pennsylvania; the second in bogs,'Northern Ohio,
etc. ; the last in woods in level districts.
18. D. m a ju s. Turn. Somewhat like the preceding, but
easily recognizable by the dark green color of the long slender
loosely and irregularly cespitose plants, which are sometimes
scattered among other mosses, by the much longer narrower
more distinctly falcate glossy leaves, and the shorter soft green
capsulés turning to black when old, with short pale pedicels
generally aggregated two or more in the same perichætium.
— Musc. Hibern. 59, t. 4 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 85.
H a b . D e e p woods, in subalpine and northern regions; rare in America.
Sitka (Bischoff); Port Discovery, Washington Territory [Pickering).
In the aggregation of two or more capsules in the same perichætium
tills species resembles D. Drummondi, but it is at once recognized by its
long slender stems, the falcate narrow leaves, the color of the plants, etc.
* * # Plants o f great size, thicldy tomentose-radiculose :
leaves long, glossy, transversely rugose ; costa fla t: male
buds originating in the tomentum, rarely on separate plants.
19. D. p a lu s tre . La Pyl. Widely cespitose ; stems slender,
yellowish green : leaves open-ereot, obscurely undulate above.
linear-lanceolate, serrate on the back and on the borders, narrowly
costate to below the apex; areolation narrow, enlarged
and broadly rectangular at the base and the angles; perichætial
leaves tubulose, abruptly narrowed into a short point : capsule
ovate-oblong, erect or slightly cernuous, striate, strumose at the
collum, tawny yellow; pedicel slender, somewhat flexuous,
yellowish above, pale red below; lid pale red, long-subulate;
annulus none. — Brid. Bryol. Univ. 1. 814 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 79.
B . Bonjeani, DeNot. ; Braithw. 1. c. 149, t. 21, B.
Var. B rew e rian um , Lesq. Leaves narrower, scarcely
nndulate, falcate-secund; cells of the areolation longer.—
Mem. Calif. Acad. 1. 7.
Ha e . Peat bogs of Northern Ohio and Pennsylvania [Lesquereux);
Lake Winnipeg [Bourgeau); Vancouver Island [Macoun). The variety
in mountains of California (Brewer).
A rare or rarely observed species, resembling a variety of D. scoparium,
but differing in the slender erect stems, the soft leaves loosely areolate at
base, the inner perichætial leaves short-apiculate, the short pale soft distinctly
striate capsule, etc.
20. D. S ch rad e ri, Web. & Mohr. Tufts wide, compact,
yellowish green ; stems often very long, erect : leaves close, erect,
appressed and subsecund, the upper bright green, the lower yellowish,
lanceolate, obtusely pointed, deeply undulate, sharply
dentate on the back and borders from the middle upward ; cells
of the areolation small, rhomboidal-quadrate and obscure in the
upper part, long and narrowly rectangular toward the base,
abruptly much dilated and orange-colored at the angles : capsule
slightly longer than in the last species, more obscurely striate ;
peristome small; annulus s i m p l e , narrow. - Crypt. Germ. 177;
Schwaegr. Suppl. 1. 166, t. 41 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 80.^
Ha b . Common in peat bogs; mountains and cold regions.
21. D. sp u rium , Hedw. Robust, loosely cespitose, sHaw-
color or yellowish green; stems erect or decumbent, brittle:
leaves interruptedly tufted, the lower short, ovate-lanceolate,
concave ; the upper longer, linear-lanceolate, undulate from below
the middle upward, rugose, papillose on the back, serrate on
the border and on the subpercurrent costa; cells of the areolation
small, ovate-quadrate and obscure m the upper part, narrowly
linear in the middle and down to the base near the costa,
round-quadrate, enlarged and dark-colored near the angles ;
perichætial leaves tubulose, shortly subulate-pomted : fruit soli