erect and clasping to the middle, subsquarrose above, oblong-
lanceolate, with a narrow crenate border, the compressed dacts
broader and free on the inner surface; perichietial leaves oblong,
acuminate-lanceolate, coarsely dentate at and toward tlie apex,
the utricles fibrillose and porose in the upper part only : spores
yellow. — Torfm. t. 26; Sulliv. loon. Muse. 9, t. 5. S. mol-
luscoides, Muell. Syn. i. 99. S. molle, Aust. S. molle, var.
Muelleri, Braithw. Sphag. 54, t. 12.
Ha b . Florida {Bussell); Lookout Mountain, Tennessee (Lesquereux);
New Jersey {Austin).
13. S. molle, Sulliv. Dicecious, densely cespitose, whitish-
green : stems short (an inch or two high), with two cortical
layers of quadrangular cells; branches close, 2 or 3 together,
spreading: stem-leaves close, large, oblong, obtuse, spreading
or deflexed, the utricles empty or slightly fibrillose and porose;
branoh-leaves very delicate, ovate-oblong, erect, convolute
above, truncate-denticulate at the apex, the utricles with fibrils
and thinly scattered spores; perichsetial leaves imbricate, concave,
constricted at the emarginate 2-3-toothed apex, utricles
empty: capsule globose, exserted from the tufted branches.—
Muse. Allegh. n. 205, Mosses of U. States, 13, and loon. Muse.
7, t. 4; Braithw. Sphag. 53; Lindb. Sphag. 33. 8. tabulare,
Sulliv. Muse. Allegh. n. 204, and Mosses of U. States, 12.
8. compactum, Brid., and var., Muell. Syn. ii. 539.
Var. ten e rum , Braithw. Stems short, whitish; branches
crowded; leaves acuminate, somewhat undulate. — Sphag. 55.
8. tenerum, Sulliv. & Lesqx., Muse. Bor.-Amer. (1 ed.) n. 11 ;
Sulliv. Mosses of IT. States, 11.
Hab. Table Mountain, South Carolina {Gray); Tallulah Falls, Georgia
(Lesquereux); Quaker Bridge, New Jersey {James, Austin).
14. S. Ga rberi, Lesqx. & James. Dioecious, of medium
size, green; stems very soft, the rather large cortical cells in
three layers: stem-leaves small, deltoid-ovate, suhcucullate,
nearly entire at the apex, the utricles large, scarcely narrower
along the margin, slightly porose and fibrillose toward the
base ; branch-leaves concave, imbricate at base, squarrose from
the middle, dentate at the truncate apex, not margined, the
large utricles closely fibrillose and porose, the very narrow
ducts on the convex side of the leaf and nearly surrounded
by the utricles; perichsetial leaves deeply concave hut not
vaginate, oi'ate-acuminate, subfalcate, erose at the apex: capsules
from the tufted branches, small, reddish-brown. — Proc.
Amer. Acad. xiv. 133. 8. humile Austin, Bull. Torr. Club,
vii. 2.
H ab . Florida {Dr. A. P. Garber).
§ 5. SuBSBCUNDA. Branch-leaves more or less secund or
falcate, very fbrillose, more or less porose in the ripper
part: ducts medial, compressed or triangular, generally
free on the broader side.
15. S. su b se cu n d um , Nees. Dioecious, loosely cespitose,
variously colored: stem solid, with a simple layer of cortical
cells; branches in fascicles of 3 or 4, recuiwed or pendent, short:
stem-leaves small, enlarged at base, deltoid or ovate, cucullate
at the obtuse minutely fimbriate apex, the utricles fibrillose and
porose in the upper part only; branch-leaves spreading, secund,
ovate-acuminate, deeply concave, margined, 2-3-toothed at the
apex, the utricles fibrillose and with numerous small pores, generally
2-ranked close to the walls; perichsetial leaves oblong-
acuminate, fibrillose in the upper p a rt: capsules in the tufted
branches: spores ferruginous. — Bryol. Germ. i. 17, t. 3;
Schimp. Torfm. t. 22; Braithw. Sphag. 48, t. 9, 10 ; Lindb.
Sphag. 28.
Var. a u ric u la tum , Lindb. Stem-leaves distinctly auricu-
late. — Schimp. Torfm. 77, t. 24.
Var. lax um . L o o s e ly cespitóse, variegated in color : stem-
leaves Ungulate, obtuse; branch-leaves long-ovate, with cuneiform
ducts near the convex surface; perichffitial leaves very
large. — 8. Lescurii, Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 11.
Var. co n to rtum , Schimp. Dark green, with crowded and
somewhat circinate branches: stem-leaves larger, the utricles
fibrillose and porose their whole length ; branoh-leaves larger.
— S. contortum, Schultz ; Nees & Hornsch. Bryol. Germ. i. 15,
t. 2, fig. 6.
Var. obesum, Schimp. Very stout, with tumid branches
and large closely imbricate leaves. — 8. contortum, var. obesum,
Wils. Bryol. Brit. 22.
H ae. Peat-bogs,, in the middle and northern sections, generally bordering
ditches or filling depressions in the bogs.
16. S. la ric in um . Spruce. Closely resembling the last,
differing in the double or triple layer of cortical cells, the much