convex on the upper side, constricted under the large orifice
wlien deoperculate and dry, turbinate, thin, dirty yellow ; pedicel
slender, 4 or 5 m.m. long ; teeth pale yellow, liyaline on the
borders ; cilia 1 or 2, as long as the segments ; annulus double,
persistent. — Muso. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. 843 ; Sulliv. Mosses
of IJ. States, 78, and Icon. Muse. 195, t. 120.
H a b . Moist rocks in shaded ravines, in the Central States, Northern
New Jersej', Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois; rare.
lie . H. Sprticei, Bruch Ms. Dioecious: plants very small,
loosely cespitose ; stems c.apillary, those of the fertile tufts
more compact and ascending, with branches and branchlets
erect, those of the loose sterile tufts very long and creeping ;
leaves loose, spreading, oval or oblong, lanceolate, entire, nerveless,
loosely areolate, green ; perichætial leaves similar, serrate
at the apex ; antheridia without paraphyses : capsule minute,
erect or slightly incurved, oval and obovate, with a distinct inflated
neck and enlarged orifice when dry ; operculum mamillate,
obtuse ; teeth pale ; cilia none ; .annulus very narrow, simple.—
Muell. Syn. ii. 415. II. confervoicles, Drumm. Muse.
Amer. n. 190. Amblystegium Sprucei, Bruch & Schimp.
Bryol. Eur. t. 561.
H a b . Santa Fe, New Mexico (Fendler); Colorado (E. Ilall, Wolf &
Bothrock); British America (Drummond).
117. H. subtile , Hoffm. Widely cespitose, dark green,
strongly coherent ; stems with short erect branches : leaves
loose, subsecund or spreading, narrowly lanceolate from an ovate
base, entire, ecostate or with obscure traces of a medial nerve ;
perichætial leaves long and narrowly acuminate, entire : capsule
suberect or subcernuous, oblong, narrowed to a short collum,
pale yellow, constricted under the orifice when empty ; operculum
highly convex, apiculate ; peristome as in the last species ;
annulus very narrow. — Dentsch. FL ii. 70. Leskea subtilis,
Hedw. Muse. Frond, iv. 23, t. 9. Amblystegium subtile, Bruch
& Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 561.
H ab. Boots of trees; New England, Canada, Goat Island, etc.; not
118. H., Brid. Differs from the Last in its
habitat on stones, in the dark green color of the tnfts, the stems
irregularly branching, pinnately and closely ramulose, the leaves
more narrowly acuminate, the areolation more chlorophjdlose,
the capsule cernuous, often horizontally inclined and reddish
brown, and the peristome more perfect, with double cilia.__
Muse. Recent. Suppl. ii. 153. II. Conferva, Schwaegr. Suppl.
ii. 1. 158, t. 142. Amblystegium confervoicles, Bruch & Schimp.
Bryol. Eur. t. 562.
H a b . Moist limestone in woods; Ohio, Canada, Wliite Mountains.
119. H. se rp en s, Linn. More or less densely cespitose,
dirty or yellowish green ; stems creeping, radiculose, densely
ramulose ; branchlets variable in length, flexuous, erect : stem-
leaves remote, spreading, ovate-lanceolate, narrowly costate to
below the apex, those of the branches more crowded, often
secund, longer acuminate and more chlorophyllose; leaves of
the pale perichætium oblong, erect, narrowed into a short point,
broadly costate and plicate : capsule long-cylindrical, incurved,
cernuous or subarcuate, constricted under the orifice when dry,
yellowish brown, often of two colors ; operculum convex-conical
; teeth light brown ; segments slightly perforated on tlie
keel ; cilia 2 or 3, as long as the segments ; annulus of a triple
series of small cells. — Sjiec. PI. 1180. Amblystegium serpens,
Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 564.
H a e . On decayed wood, and in shady moist places on the ground; not
frequent in the Eastern States, common in California, and extremely
120. H. rad ic a le , Beauv. Loosely cespitose ; stems rooting
and creeping, irregularly and densely ramulose, the branchlets
short, rigid, suberect : leaves spreading, more crowded than
in the last species, broadly ovate and cordate at base, narrowly
lanceolate and long-acuminate, strongly costate to tho apex;
areolation more dense, exactly parenchymatous, elongated-
rhomboidal, round-quadrate or rectangular at the base and the
basal angles, thick-walled, chlorophyllose ; perichætial leaves
oblong, narrowly acuminate, costate to the apex : capsule long-
pedicellate, arcuate or inclined, narrow-cylindrical, constricted
under the orifice when empty, brown ; segments entire ; cilia
slender and shorter ; annulus composed of a triple series of cells.
— Prod. 68. Amblystegium radicale, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol.
Eur. t. 565. II. varium, Beauv.; Sulliv. Muso. Allegh. n., 30.
H. serpens, var. varium, Muell. Syn. ii. 412, in part. Amblystegium
serpens, var. radicale, Aust. Muse. Appal. Stei-eodon
radicalis. Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 43.
Hab. Decayed trunks, roots of trees, wet ground, or shady places;
very common and extremely variable.