i ; li
3. O. ch ry seum , Brucli & Schimp. Tufts golden glossy
yellow; stems erect, simple or 2-3-parted; leaves strict, lanceolate
and ovate-lanceolate, apiculate, concave, deeply plicate:
capsule subcernuous, ovate-oblong ; lid convex, apiculate ; inner
membrane very large, ascending to the middle of the teeth;
segments carinate, entire ; cilia irregular aud nodose. ^ - Bryol.
Eiir. t. 461. ILjpnum chrijseon, Schwaegr.; Muell. Syn. ii.
385. II. rufescens, Drumm. Muse. Amer. n. 221. Stereodon
clmjseus. Mitten, 1. c. 39.
H a b . Moist rocks among the Rocky Mountains of British America
(Drumnond, Bourgeau), and Arctic America.
T b ib b x x i i i . HYPNEÆ.
Plants very variable iu size, appearance, ramification, etc.,
densely or loosely cespitose. Leaves either turned in all directions,
open or squarrose, or complanate, or secund, or falcate-
secund, of multiple forms, round to narrowly lanceolate, costate
or ecostate, subscarious, generally soft and glossy ; areolation
parenchymatous, the meshes narrowly rhomhoidal, linear or
vermicular, quadrate and often enlarged at the basal angles.
Flowers monoecious or dioecious, very rarely bisexual. Capsule
solid, long-pedicellate, cernuous or horizontal, more or less
incurved, not pendent, and very rarely erect and regular.
Peristome double, perfect, the outer of 16 strong densely
articulate lanceolate-acuminate teeth, the inner a broad membrane
divided to the middle or about into 16 carinate yellow
segments, which are more distantly articulate,, entire, or cleft
along the keel between the articulations or even their whole
length, and generally separated by 1 to 3 articulate or appendiculate
128. HYPNUM, Dill.
A single polymorphous genus, divided into numerous sections.
or subgenera, most of which have been considered by some
authors as genera.
Key to the Subgenera,
A. Plants pinnately divided.
* Leaves papillose; paraphyllia more or less numerous.
1. P s e u d o l e s k e a . Branches long and slender, irregularly pinnately
ramulose. Leaves open-erect; areolation compact, punctiform.
Capsule subcernuous; cilia slender or none.
2. H e t e r o o la d iu m . Stems divaricate and pinnately ramulose.
Leaves spreading or recurved, those of the perichætium squarrose;
cells punctulate, the medial elongated-oval. Capsule horizontally
3. T h u id iu m . S t e m regularly pinnately ramose and ramulose. Stemleaves
smaller; costa translucent. Capsule cernuous- operculum
* * Leaves papillose; paraphyllia none.
4. C la o p o d iu m . Stems in compact tufts, irregularly pinnate-ramu-
lose. Leaves open-erect, denticulate; cells small, oval-fusiform.
Capsule turgid, abruptly bent down at the base of the collum.
* * * Leaves smooth; paraphyllia present.
5. E lo d iu m . Branches long, pinnately ramulose. Leaves striate;
areolation loose, rhomhoidal, uniform. Capsule large, cernuous.
* * * * Leaves smooth, bicostate; paraphyllia none.
6. T r ip t e r o o la d iu m . Stems compressed and branches attenuated,
irregularly pinnate. Leaves erect-spreading; cells elliptical, the
alar quadrate. Capsule cylindrical, cernuous; cilia solitary,
B. Plants variously divided. Leaves smooth, simply costate (or hicostate
in n. 12 and 13).
* Capsule large; lid conical, acuminate.
7. C a m p t o t h e c iu m . Stem densely suhpinnately ramulose. Leaves
plicate; areolation very narrow, linear, very small, square or
punctiform at the base and angles.
8. B r a c h y t h e c iu m . Plants large, prostrate, irregularly divided, the
branches erect. Leaves costate to the niiddle or above; areolation
loose, elongated-rhomboidal, enlarged at the base and angles.
9. S o l e r o p o d iu m . Plants densely cespitose, iri'egularly branching.
Leaves serrulate; areolation short and narrow, vermicular, enlarged
and pellucid at the Cliiivx Na.«/ decurr e n t ang le s. ¡5---------
10. I s o t h e c iu m . Primary brandies dendroid; branchlets stolonifeerioouuss
oorr fnlaaggeeililaactte;.. Lucetaivveecss asmiiiuouoDtlui ov ri slightly papillose on t-h--eback;
areolation very narrow, linear, punctiform at the angles.
Capsule oblong, suberect or cernuous; cilia short.
* * Capsule horizontally inclined; lid rostrate.
11. E u r h y n c h iu m . Plants pinnately ramulose. Leaves cordate,
decnrrent, serrate; areolation rhomboidal-oval. Capsule turgid-
12. R a p h id o s t e g iu m . Plants small; stems prostrate_ and _compressed.
L e a v e s ecostate or shortly hicostate; areolation minute,
linear, flexuous, the basilar cells very few and inflated. Capsule
suberect or cernuous.