conical, acute. — Linnæa, xii. 552; Bryol. Eur. t. 12. Phasoum
crispum, Hedw. Stirp. Muso. Frond, i. 25, t. 9; Sulliv. Mosses
of U. States, 16.
Hab. Bare sandy soil under bushes, Vincennes, Ind. (Lesquereux) ;
Texas ( Wright), imperfect specimens; Pennsylvania (James). Rare.
2. A. L u d o v ic ian um , Sulliv. Differs from the last in its
stronger and more divided habit, the capsules more numerous,
often clustered 2 or 3 in the same perichætium, oblong-oval,
with a more elongated obtuse lid. — Icon. Muse. 21, t. 12.
Phascum crispum, var. rostellatum, Hook. & Wils., Drumm.
Muse. Am. (Coll. 11.), n. 10. P . Ludovicianum, Sulliv.
Mosses U. States, 16. Systegium erythrostegium, Schimj).
Proc. Am. Acad. xiv. 140.
Hab. Near New Orleans (Drummond) ; Florida ( Chapman).
3. A. S u lliv an tii, Schimp. Closely resembles A. crispum,
differing in the plants being smaller, more slender and generally
simple, the capsule smaller, bright orange with a slightly longer-
beaked lid, and a shorter calyptra. — Bryol. Eur. Astom. 2 ;
Sulliv. Icon. Muse. 20, t. 11. Phascum crispum, Sulliv. Muse.
Allegh. n. 211, in part. P . Sidlivantii, Sulliv. Mosses of U.
States, 16.
Hab. Commonly found in meadows, especially in new clover fields.
4. A. n itid u lum , Schimp. Plants much smaller and less
branched than in the last : leaves shorter, open, scarcely convolute
when moistened: capsule ovoid, shining, chestnut-color;
lid obliquely rostellate : calyptra short, scarcely reaching the
base of the lid. — Bryol. Eur. Astom. 3 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse.
Bor.-Am. n. 36. Phascum nitidulum, Muell. ; Sulliv. Mosses
of H. States, 16.
Var. p y gm æ um, Lesq. Plants minute, much divided:
costa simply percurrent, not passing above the apex : capsule
oval, orange-colored : lid straight, obtusely beaked.
Hae. On the naked ground in meadows, often found with the preceding;
Centrai Ohio.
11. GYMNOSTOMUM, Hedw. (PI. l.y
Plants cespitose. Stems slender ; branches dichotomous or
fasciculate. Leaves small, gradually larger upwards and tufted
at the apex, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, concave or canalicluíate
by a solid costa, prominent on the back; areolation
minute, quadrate in the upper part. Flowers dioecious in the
I American species. Capsule symmetrical ; lid long-beaked.
1. G. c a lc a reum , Nees & Hornsch. Plants densely tufted,
I green above, ferruginous below ; stems radiculose : lower leaves
[very small, gradually or abruptly larger upward, linear-lanceo-
[ late, costate to near the blunt apex, concave, borders minutely
I crenulate ; lower perichætial leaves sheathing, the upper spread-
I ing, very concave, lanceolate-acute : capsule exserted on a com-
jparatively long pedicel, oblong, yellowish brown, truncate or
j slightly constricted under the orifice when dry ; annulus short,
I persistent ; lid subulate-rostrate from a conical base. — Bryol. 1 Germ. 163, t. 10 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 32. Trichostomum calcareum,
I Lindb. Trichost. 19.
Var. b re v ifo lium , Schimp. Plants slender and delicate ;
I lower leaves distant, very small, scarcely perceivable to the
I naked eye, the upper close and tufted, ohlong-lanceolate, recurved
I from the middle, acute or blunt at the apex: capsule small,
j ovate or sub-globose. — G. viridulum, Bryol. Eur. t. 31.
Var. p erp u sillum , Sulliv. Very small. Leaves erect, ovate-
I lanceolate: capsule pyriform-oval. — Pacif. R. Rep. iv. 185.
Hab. On slate rocks, near Little Falls, New York (Austin); the first
variety near Belleville, Canada West (Macoun), the second on clayey soil
I near San Francisco, California (Bigelow).
2. G. r u p e s tr e , Schwaegr. More or less densely tufted :
stems 1 to 5 cent, long, slender, with dichotomous or fasciculate
I divisions : leaves gradually increasing in size from the base to
I the top, spreading or recurved, linear-lanceolate, blunt at apex,
j minutely papillose on the back or smooth, costate to below the
I apex ; perichætial leaves enlarged at base, somewhat sheathing :
I capsule ovate-oblong, rarely sub-globose, thin-walled, pale
I yellow or reddish brown, shining, truncate when empty ; pedicel
I reddish ; lid conical-acuminate or short-beaked ; annulus none.
— Suppl. I., part 1, 31, t. xi. ; Bryol. Eur. t. 33, 34. Trichostomum
oeruginosum, Lindb. Trichost. 19.
Var. s te llig e rum , Schimp. Loosely cespitose, more robust :
leaves longer, incurved when dry : capsule pale, reddish at the
orifice ; lid obliquely rostrate. Closely resembles the following.
—G. tophaceuni, Austin, Bull. Torr. Club. vi. 42.
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