85. B r y u m . Capsule solid, pyriform. Inner peristome more perfect.
Leaves broader, with broader areolation and strong costa.
86 Z ie r ia . Capsule with a long collum defluent into a short geniculate
pedicel. Teeth remotely articulate; segments narrow; ciha
rudimentary. Leaves soft, greenish.
87. M n iu m . Capsule oblong, horizontal or pendulous. Reristome as
in Bryum, larger. Male flowers discoid. Leaves large, with a
very broad areolation.
88. C v n o l id iu m . Teeth short, adhering to the longer cnpuliform
reticulate membrane, which is pierced at the top by the columella.
89 B h i z o g o n iu m . Capsule long, obconical, arcuate. Peristome of
Bryum. Leaves solid, long, narrowly lanceolate.
90. L e p t o t h e c a . Capsule erect, cylindrical. Teeth long, linear-
lanceolate. Inner inembra,ne short and entire, or longer, and
cut into segments without cilia.
79. A m b lv o d o n . Teeth shorter than the segments, obtuse. Capsule
cernuous, with a long collum. Leaves very loosely areolate.
80. M e e s i a . Capsule and peristome as in the last. Areolation of the
leaves small, rectangular.
81. P a lu d e l l a . Peristome of Weiera. Leaves squarrose.
91 A u la c o m n iu m . Capsule inclined, oblong-ovate with a distinct
collum, ribbed when dry. Teeth linear-subulate above.
75. B a r t r a m ia . Capsule nearly spherical, erect or Inclined, ribbed
when dry. Peristome double (simple in one species, rudimentary
in another); segments shorter than the teeth, split into two
diverging parts; cilia none or scarcely visible.
77. P h i l o n o t i s . Capsule globose, inclined. Segments separated by
double cilia. Plants stronger.
92 T im m ia . Capsule oblong-ovate, plicate-striate when dry. Inner
membrane divided at the middle into flliform appendiculate segments,
united by fours at the apex.
n . CLADOCAEPI. Fruit terminal on short lateral branches,
tome double, the outer of 16 teeth.
100 P o n t in a l i s . Teeth linear; inner peristome of 16 cilia, connected
by cross-bars or latticed. Calyptra conical, entire or cuculiate.
101 D io i i e lv m a . Cilia of the inner peristome free or appendiculate,
latticed only at the upper part. Calyptra cuculiate. Leaves long
and narrow.
102. C r y p h e e a . Teeth long; inner peristome of 16 free subulate cilia,
shorter than the teeth.
III. PLEUROCABPI. Fruit lateral upon the stems or branches;
flowers in the axils of the leaves.
Capsule ovate-oblong or cylindrical, erect or
slis’ "
* Calyptra cuculliform. — --------------------
slightly inclined.
Peristome simple; teeth 16.
114 P a b r o n ia . Teeth regular or higeminate (absent in one species).
Plants very small and delicate. Leaves ciliate on the borders,
rarely entire.
110 H a b r o d o n . Teeth linear-lanceolate, attached far below the
orifice of the capsule. Plants very small. Leaves squarrose.
C la sm a t c d o n . Teeth irregular, twice or thrice divided to the
base. Capsule constricted under the orifice. Plants very small.
- Peristome double, the outer of 16 teeth, the inner of 16 segments,
with or without cilia.
--i. Leaves papillose.
T h e l ia . Teeth linear-lanceolate, subulate; segments shorter than
the teeth; cilia rudimentary.
M yT ir e lla . Peristome perfect; cilia 1 or 2, thick, shorter than the
L e s k e a . Teeth narrowly lanceolate; segments narrow, linear;
cilia none. Capsule oblong, erect or somewhat arcuate.
A n om o d o n . Teeth pale, linear-lanceolate; segments very short;
cilia none. Capsule oblong or cylindrical. Plants large.
++ Leaves not papillose, complánate.
N e o k e r a . Teeth long, linear-lanceolate; segments short, fili-
ionn. Leaves more or less xindulate.
H o m a l ia . Segments longer tlian the teeth; cilia single, short.
Leaves distichous.
G v l in d r o th e c iu m . Teeth attached far below the. orifice of the
capsule; segments narrow, carínate (abortive m one species).
Leaves smooth.
.,H. *+ «. Leaves not papillose nor complánate.
= Inner peristome a membrane adhering to the teeth.
L e u o o d o n . Teeth large, thin, granulóse, distantly articulate.
Pericliretium very long. Calyptra smooth.
L e p t o d o n . Teeth distantly articulate, hyaline-bordered. Peri-
chaetiuin very long. Calyptra hairy. , „ .
P y l a i s i a . Teeth densely articulate; segments long, partly adhering
to the teeth. Calyptra smooth.
= Inner peristome free, divided to near the base into 16 segments.
A l s i a Teeth and carínate segments long, linear-lanceolate, with
or w ithout cilia. Calyptra smooth. Secondary stems dendroid.
M e t e o r iu m . Teeth and carínate segments short. Capsule small,
oval. Plants long, slender, pendulous.
Teeth short, distantly articulate; segments
cma“ one. Calyptra smooth. Leaves slightly papil-
lose on the hack.
P t e r o g o n iu m . Teeth long and closely articulate; segments very
short. Calyptra sparingly hairy.
A n t i t r i c h i a Teeth narrowly lanceolate, subulate; segments
h n e S f a mile shorter than the teeth. PencluBtium long.
^ ^ t ? S ^ = n e tl^Sethl
Calyptra long, dimidiate, twisted around the capsule.