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ASCLEPIAS verticillata.
Whorl-leaved Swalloiv-wort.
Naturai Order. A s o l e p i a d e /E. Brown prodr. 1. jtTSS.
A S C L E P IA S . Massa Pollinis laeves, 10, pendute. Corona
staminea simplex, 5-pliylla: foliolis cucullatis, e fundo exseren-
tibus processum aversum corniformem. C'oroZZa reflexa. Folli-
culi teves. Brown Hort. Kew. ed.2. v. 2. p. 80.
A. Verticillata, caule efecto subramoso lineatim puberulo, toliis
verticillatis linearibus margine revolutis adultis glabris, um-
bellis multifloris, corniculis falcatis exsertis.
Asclepias verticillata. Willden. sp. pi. l. p. 1272. Mieli, jl. amer.
1. p. 116. Pursli.ji. amer. sept. 1. p. 183. N u tta ll gen. amer.
l . j j . 168. Pers. s y n .l. p . 277.
Apocynum raarianum erectum, linariæ anguslissimis foliis, um-
bellatum. Pluk. mant. 17. i.3 3 6 . f . 3 .
Perennial. Stems several from the same root, erect,
from 18 inches to 2 feet high, not much branched,
slightly angular, and furrowed, and clothed with lines
of white villous pubescence, between which it is smooth.
Leaves in whorls round the stem, with very short footstalks,
about 2 inches long, narrowly linear, acute, Avith
revolute margins, straight, or sometimes tAvisted or revolute,
pubescent while young, but becoming smooJi
and glossy by age, rugged and of a dark green on the
upper side, underneath lighter and Avith a strong midrib.
Petioles very short, pubescent. Umbels many-floAV-
ered, axillary, alternate with the leaves, or in Avhorls
round the stem. Peduncles slender, pubescent. Involucre
of several subulate, fringed bractes. Pedicles slender,
densely pubescent. Calyx deeply 5-parted; segments
lanceolate, acute, pubescent, close pressed to the
corolla. Corolla 5-parted, segments ovate, concave,
bluntish, points ascending, of a greenish white tinged
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