-Auir iy Ji Ou ’ / /$25
WHITLEYA stramonifoliu.
Stramonium-leaved Whitleya.
Natural Order. SoLANlîÆ. Brown prodr. 443.
W H I T L E Y A . Calyx campanulatus, 10-costatiis, apice
rnmpentibus. Corolla campanulata, 5-loba: lobis rotundatis
rellexis. Stamina 5, incurva, basi corollæ insorta: filamenta
pilosa, basi dilatata : antheree biloboe, sagittatæ, basi et apice
poris dehiscentes. Stigma capitatum, bilobum. Bacca cx-
succa, subglobosa, 2-locularis, polysperma ; placenta crassa
favosa. Semina compressa, subreniformia. News o f Literature
dnd Fashion, voi. 3. j). 108.
W. stramonifolia, ramis dicliotomis cylindricus tomentoso-
canescentibus, ioliis getninis ovatis acutis undulatis riigosis
subtus tomentosis, floribus axillaribus solitariis cermiis.
News o f Liter. I. c.
A strong growing herbciceons perennial plant.
Stems several from the same root, .solid, erect, 3 to 5
feet high, branching: ¿raMc/<e.s spreadiiig, cylindrical,
loosely clothed witli a white mealy tomentnni. Leaves
in pairs, one doultle the size of the other, lower ones
frtim (i inches to a foot in length ; upper ones smaller,
ovate, acute, a little tapering towards the hase, sides
nearly ecpial, very much undulate, rugose, reticulately
veined; tiftper side smootli, or very sliglitly pubescent,
underneath clothed with a tliick loose wliite tomentum,
the nerves more or less ferrnginous: margins entire.
Petioles short and stout, slightly winged, longer tlian
the peduncles. Flowers solitary, axillary or between
the two leaves, nodding. Peduncle short, densely
villous. Calyx campanulate, inflated, strongly 10-
nerved, the mouth at liist entire and even, but as the
flower expands, it bursts iri’egidarly into 2 to 5 segments
: nerves and furrows thickly clothed with ferru-
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