VIOLA eriocarpa.
Woolly-capmled Violet.
Natural Order. V io la r I jE . D C . prodr. 1. p . 287.
V IO L A . Supra fo l. m .
Sect. I I I . Ch am m m e l a n iüM. Stigma sphaeroideo-capita-
tum, utrinque fa.sciculis pilorutn onustum, foraminulo minuto
sublaterali. Stylus compresso-clavatus. Stamina oblonga ap-
proximata. Torus planiusculus. Capsula saipé trigona. Folia
seminalia ssepius subrotunda. Pétala 2, ungue barbata.
DC. prodr. 1. p . 300.
V. eriocarpa, scabriuscula, caulibus assurgentibus flexuosi»
ramosis villosis, foliis cordatis acutis dentatis ; interdùm
reniformibus, stipulis ovatis subdentatis, sepalis lanceolati»
acufis, calcare brevissimo subsaccato, fructibus dense villosis.
Viola eriocarpa. Lewis am. journ. 5. n. 1. D C . prodr. I , p. 301.
Viola pubescens. |3 eriocarpon. N u tt. gen. amer. 1, p . 150.,
Botati, regist. 390.
R oot perennial. Stems several, assurgent, flexuose,
branching, villous, purple towards the base. Leaves
cordate, acute, densely pubescent on both sides,
toothed, points of the teeth curved inwards: lower
leaves reniform. Petioles flattened and channelled on
the upper side, and convex on the lower, villous,
winged, the wing running down the stem to the next
leaf. Stipules ovale or oblong, acute, more or less
toothed, clasping the stem. Peduncles axillary, solitary,
villous, with a small acute hracte about half way
up. Sepals b, unequal, lanceolate, acute, the upper
one shortest, 2 side ones longest. Petals 5, yellow,
2 upper ones smallest, recurved, slightly bearded above
B 2
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