ÍIH 128
T IG R ID IA conchiiflora.
Shell-flowered Tiger-flower.
Natural Order. I r i d e æ . Brown prodr. 6 0 2 .
T IG R ID I A . Perianthium 6-phylium, petaloideum; folio-
lis 3 exterioribus magnis ovatis basi cucu latis sessilibus : interioribus
minoribus unguiculatis sagittatis medio contractis.
Stamina 6: filamenta omninò coalita. Stigmata 3, bipartita.
Capsula oblonga, angolata.
T. conchiiflora, caule ungulato, perianthii foliolis exterioribus
oblongo-ovatis acutiusculis mnticis ; interioribus supra medium
lato-oyatis acutis subtus concavo-foveolatis, germinibus obtuse
trigonis planis.-*
R o o t a bulb-tuber, clothed with a hard brorvn shell.
Leaves lanceolately ensiform, acute, much plaited, resembling
the leaflets of some species of Palms. Stem
erect, or slightly flexuose, from 18 inches to 2 feet in
heiglit, slightly angular, and covered with a glaucous
mealiness. Spatha of two leaves, which are lanceolate,
acute, sharply keeled and glaucous: bractes several’
membranaceous, lanceolate, acute, one between each
flower, Perianthium of 6 petal-like leaflets; the 3 outer
ones oblongly ovate, scarcely acute, narrowing at the
base, concave nearly half Avay up, altogether forming a
sort of boAvl-like appearance at the base ; the points at
first spreading, afterwards reflexed and becoming at
length revolute, yellow tinged Avith red, and marked
from the bend to the base Avith numerous irregularly
sized bright purple spots : the 3 inner ones small, nn-
guiculate, contracted in the middle, sagittate beloAA%
the sides folded back, above the middle cordately ovate’
acute, the points more or less reflexed, spotted all over
on the upper side Avith numerous purple spots, on a
bright yelloAv ground : about the middle underneath,
terminated in an abrupt hole or pit, not running up in
a channel as in T. pavonia. Stamens 3 : filaments connected
in a long cylindrical tube : anthers erect, linear,
_ * T . pofOHio, caule cylindrico, p erianthii foliolis exterioribus lato-ovatis obtusis
cariiiatis apice mucronatis : interioribus supra medium ellipticis acuminatis
siibtns concavo-eanaliculatis, germinibus trisulcatis.