often forked. Peduncles long, cylindrical, jointed, a
little below tbe flower, smooth and glaucous. Pedicles
above the joint increasing in size upwards. Calyx 5-
cleft, naked, the base campanulate, pubescent, strongly
nerved, the segments lanceolate, acute, spreading.
Petals 5, all connected at the base and joined to the
tube of the stamens, of a beautiful dark purple or
crimson, much veined, the points notched or fimbriate,
spreading flat, and distinct, bearded at the base on
both sides. Stamens connected in a long tube, numerous
: filaments spreading at the points and inserted in
the back of the anthers : anthers nearly globular, inclining
to oblong, furrowed in front, 1-celled: pollen
Avhite. Ovarium above the calyx, 12-locular, terminated
by a 12-cleft Style, fringed near the point. S tig mas
inconspicuous, simple.
Our drawing of this rare and handsome plant Avas
taken from a specimen kindly presented to us by
Robert Barclay, Esq. in August last, at which time
Ave had the pleasure of viewing his richly stocked collection
of rare and choice plants at Bury Hill. The
choice American plants, in particular, AA^ere groAving
more luxuriantly and flowering in greater profusion,
than ever Ave beheld them in any other collection ; and
amongst them we observed many ncAV and very interesting
species ; and plants of this beautiful genus Avere
floAvering in great perfection in the open border in
peat s o il; the floAvers are much finer and of a darker
colour than those represented in Barton’s Flora of
North America, the figure of which appears to us to
have been taken fi’om a specimen that had been blown
in a room in water, as one that flowered Avith us in
that situation was as near as possible like his figure:
the only method of propagating this elegant plant,
appears to be by seeds, as Ave saAv no appearance of
shoots or suckers.
1. Calyx. 2. One o f th e P e ta ls , showing how they a re jo in ed to th e tn b e
o f th e Stamens a t th e b a se , b e a rd e d on ea ch side. 3. Stamens all conne cted
into a tu b e a t th e base, th e points sp read in g , and te rm in a ted by oblong glob
u la r 1 -celled an th e rs. 4. T h e '12 ce lled Capsule te rm in a ted by a 12 cleft
Style, the points sp read in g . 5. The seed a tta ch e d to th e back o f th e carpella.
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