' T
about one-third the length of the alternate one ; ant^rs
purple; pollen grey. Style smooth, dark purple. S tig ma
4-lobed, spreading, dark purple, the lobes flat, and
fimbriate on the upper side.
Our drawing of this plant was taken from one growing
in our garden last Summer; it is a very handsome
annual, has lately been introduced from Chili, and is a
great acquisition to our collection of hardy annuals, requiring
no other care than to be sown in the open borders,
and to be kept free from weeds, arid if the Summer
prove dry, it will require to be occasionally watered;
the seeds may be sown at various times, to have a regular
succession of flowers ; some may be sown the end of
March or beginning of April, some more may be sown
the beginning of June, and again in J u ly ; so that if the
weather prove favourable, it will continue to bloom tul
Christmas; many other annuals should be treated in the
same manner, to keep up a regular succession of bloom,
not, as is the more usual method, to sow them all at once.
O. Romanzovii is another beautiful annual, that has not
been long introduced; it is a very distinct species from
the present, and also from O. purpurea; more different
from the latter than the present species, which agrees
Avith it in the colour of its leaves, Avhile those of O. R o manzovii
are of a deeper green. In the Horticultural
Transactions, it is stated that O. Romanzovii of the
Botanical Register, is nothing more thw, O . purpurea,
as the writer had seen the plants from which the drawing
Avas made; we certainly cannot say what the dravr-
ing was made from, but we understand the writer’s
sight is not always very good, so that his opinion is not
always to be depended on.
1. Germen te rmin a ted by tb e 4-cieft Calyx, divested o f tb e P e ta ls . 2. Tbe
8 S tamens Inserted in tb e raoutb o f tb e Calyx, every o tb e r one about 3 times
tb e length o f tbe alte rn a te one. 3. Germen divested o f tb e Calyx and Corolla,
te rmina ted by tb e p urple Style, and 4-lobed fimbriate Stigma.