COREOPSIS grandiflora.
Large-Jlowered Coreopsis.
Natural Order. C o m p o s iT iE . Adanson fam. 2.103.
Sect.V. H e l ia n th em . Knnth SyQops,2. p.463.
C O R E O P S IS . Supra, f o l 10.
C grandiflora, caule erecto ramoso sulcato, folus oppositis subsessilibus
glabris basi ciliatis: caulinis inferioribus biternatis:
superioribus ternatis v; tripartitis ; foliolis linearibus elongatis
integerrimis supra canaliculatis, pedunculis elongatis unifloris,
foliolis involucri exterioribus membranaceo-inarginatis ciliatis,
radiis 5-dentatis.
Coreopsis grandiflora. Hogg. Mss,
A hardy perennial plant, 3 or 4 feet in height, erect,
hranching ; hranches smooth and glossy, striate or furrowed
with numerous shallow longitudinal furrows.
Root leaves not seen : stem ones opposite, nearly sessile,
connate, smooth, fringed at the hase with long white
hairs : lower ones twice ternate, the three first pair of
leaflets, proceeding from near the base, each of those
again ternate or 3-parted ; upper ones simply ternate:
leaflets or segments fleshy, linear, elongated, entire,
with a sharpish brown point, channelled on the upper
side and keeled underneath, divaricately spreading.
Peduncles long, 1-flowered, also furrowed with numerous
shallow channels. large, of an entire bright
yellow. Involucre of 2 series : the outer one varying
with from 8 to 9 spreading leaflets, which are narrowly
lanceolate, broader at the base and tapering to a slender
point, the margins membranaceous and fringed :
inner one of 8 leaflets, which are smooth, ovate, acute,
closely imbricate, and surround the florets, the points
tinged with yellow, and purplish margins. Receptacle
convex, warted, paleaceous : chaff filiform, broadest
at the base, about the length of the florets when