TAGETES tenuifolia.
Slender-leaved Tagetes.
Natural Order. C o m p o s i t a :. A d a n so n fam .2 .\0 3 .
Sect. IV . JACOBEM, K u n th Synops. 2. p . 440.
T A G E T E S . JnuoZiicrMOT tubulosum, dentatum. Receptaculum
nudum. Flosculi disci tubuiosi, hermaphroditi ; radii ligulari,
feminei. Antheree basi nudm. Akenia lineari, compresso-
complanata, coronata squamis 3-6 insequalibus.^—Herbse/oZits
oppositis aut alternis, pinnatis, interdum hipinnato-multifidis
aut simplicibus involucrisque glanduloso-punctatis. Flores terminales,
rarissime axillares. Radius luteus aut fu lvu s. Kunth
loc. cit. p. 460.
T . tenuifolia, caule erecto ramoso ; ramis patulis obtuse 4-angulis
glabris, foliis pinnatis : foliolis multijugis oppositis alternis-
que lanceolatis argute serratis longe aristatis ; superioribus
horizontalibus; inferioribus lunnlato-recurvis, floribus terminalibus
et axillaribus, pedunculis subtrifloris, involucro cla-
vato-tubuloso 5-angulato, squamis pappi duabus ; exteriore
breviore truncata; interiorem lanceolatam involvente.
Tagetes tenuifolia. Cavan. Ic .2 . t.\6Q . Willden. sp. 3. p . 2128.
Kunth. synops. 2. p . 461.
Annual. Stern erect, from 2 to 3 feet high, much
branched : branches spreading, bluntly quadrangular,
furrowed, smooth and glossy, more or less purple, particularly
on the lower part. Leaves opposite, pinnate,
smooth and glossy : leaflets numerous, opposite and
alternate, lanceolate, acute, sharply serrate, tipped with
a long arista ; upper ones horizontally spreading ; lower
ones lunulately recurved, all glandularly dotted. Flowers
terminal and axillary, bright yellow. Peduncles
leafy, generally 3-flowered, furrowed, and bluntly quadrangular,
smooth, and glossy. Pedicles bluntly quadrangular,
thickened upwards, hollow. Involucre tubular,
clavate, 5-angular, 5-toothed, smooth, slightly
glaucous : the teeth short, acute, and glandularly punctate.
Receptacle convex, naked, dotted. R a y s 5, large,
obcordate, spreading flat, bearing a style and bifid stigma,
but no stamens, and producing perfect seeds. Florets
o f the disk numerous, tubular, 5-cleft, producing
both stamens and style, strongly 5-nerved, the nerves
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