vQiJli :
at the base, and terminated in a sharp point, branched
a little by the sides. Stamens 3, inserted in the tube, and
bent round like the upper segment: filaments smooth,
attached to the anthers, a little above the base: anthers
linear, sagittate at the base, 2-celled: pollen yellow. Style
smooth, curved round like the stamens, and about their
length. Stigmas 3, the points bilamellate and fringed.
This curious and delightfuily fragrant plant has, we
believe, been lost some time from our collections, but
has now been reintroduced again by Mr. Synnot, as has
also the singular and elegant G. alatus, several plants of
which have bloomed in Mr. Colvill’s collection; although
the colour of the present species is not so splendid as
many others, yet its exquisite fragrance, and singular
appearance, make it well deserving a place in every
collection; it may also be grown as freely as the common
Tigridia pavonia, either in the open air, or in a pit
to be covered with lights in Winter; by either of those
methods the bulbs will grow stronger, and produce
larger flowers than if grown in pots, although the latter
way is to be preferred if they are wanted to be placed
in the Greenhouse or in rooms,‘and it is a good plan to
cultivate some in each way, where there is convenience:
if grown in pots, they should be planted in full one third
fine sand, rather more than a third of light turfy loam,
and the rest peat, all mixed well together, the pots to
be well drained with a handful of potsherds, broken
small, that the wet may pass off readily; as soon as they
have done flowering, and the stalks begin to decay, they
shouW have no more water given them, but the pots may
be laid on their sides, or be placed in a frame under
lights, not too much exposed to the sun; and care must
be taken that the mice do not get at them, as they are
apt to make great havock amongst them: in October
they should be re-potted, and placed in a frame where
frost will not get at them. Those planted in beds in the
open air or in frames, will require exactly the same
treatment as we have already mentioned under the Cape
bulbs that we have published.
1, Spathe. 2, P erian th ium spread open, to show the situation o f the segments,
th e u p p er one ta k en off. 3. The same sp read open to show the short tu b e and
the insertion o f th e stamens, divested o f all the segments exc ept the u p p e r and
lower one. 4. Germen, terminated by the pendulous style, an d 3 bilabiate Stigmas.
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