ing, tapering at botli ends, not so much nerved : upper
ones deeply 3-cleft or entire, taper-pointed, green on
tlie upper side and purplish underneath. Petioles
densely clothed Avith spreading villous hairs, flattened
on the upper side and rounded on the loAver, sheathing
at the base. Raceme compact, many-floAvered, from
0 inches to a foot in length : flowers varying in colour
on different plants, blue, white, or variegated. B ra c tes
3, linear, 2 at the hase of and one on the pedicle.
Pedicles unequal in length, the lower ones double the
length of the upper ones, densely clothed Avith short
villous hairs. Calyx of 5 sepals, which are oblong,
bluntish, pubescent, much veined, spreading, 3 upper
ones erect, the middle one ending at the base in a short,
holloAV, rugged spur, lower ones divaricately spreading
; spur about half the length of the sepals. Petals 4,
each 2 joined at the base, and producing 2 sharp spurs
inside the.other one: upper ones obliquely lanceolate,
undulate ; lotver ones narroAV at the base, and terminated
in a broad, obliquely rounded, and curled limb.
Stamens numerous: filaments Avinged at the base, the
l)oinfe naked and subulate, the Aving terminated by
several spreading hairs: anthers 2-lobed, fringed.
Germens 3, villous, terminated by 3 short Styles and
bluntish simple Stigmas.
A fine stately biennial plant, Avhose elegantly veined
leaves make a handsome appearance, and its floAvei’s
are also very pretty, and last in bloom a considerable
time; the time of floAvering depends a great <lcal on
the season that the seeds were s o a v u , and also on the
situation in which they are groAvn: those should he
soAvn as soon as ripened, and they Avill bloom tlie following
summer; wliereas if they are left till spring,
many of them will not flower till the following spring;
a rich light soil suits them best; and if the winter is
very severe, a little covering will be requisite.
DraAvn at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, in June last.
1. T h e 5 Sepals spread open. 2. The 4 P e ta ls with the 2 spin s a t the base
o f the u p p e r ones, an d showing the Stamens in front. 3. Tlie 2 u p p er P e ta ls
d etach ed with tlie spurs a t th e ir base. 4. Tlie 2 lower ones showing th e ir
broad points. 5. Stamens d etach ed , fi. Single ones d e tach ed , showing the
winged base te rmina ted by liairs. 7. P ed ic le te rm in a ted by the 3 ca rp e lla ,
and showing the b ra c te s, one a t tlic base, the o th e r on the pedicles,
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