of the Supplement to Willdenow’s Enumeratio ; that we
helieve to he T. cornuta of Redoute.
The present plant thrives well in a warm border of
light sandy soil, the bulbs to be planted the latter end
of October, or the beginning of November; they should
be planted from 4 to 6 inches deep, according to the
lightness of the soil; when they have done flowering, and
the leaves are decayed, the bulbs should be taken up and
dried until the following season for planting, except in
a light dry soil, where they may remain the year through;
they may be increased by offsets from the bulbs, or by
seeds, which should be sown as soon as ripe.
1. Bulb. 2. One o f the oute r leaflets of th e P erian th ium . 3. One o f the
inner ones, which is considerably la rg e r. 4. The 6 Stamens, every other one
longer than the alte rn a te one. 5. Germen , te rm in a ted by the 3-lobed Stigma.