and glossj', strongly and numerously nerved underneath,
reticulately veined. Petioles smooth, channelled
on the upper side, and rounded on the lower, purple
at the base: stem-leaves lanceolate, lower ones bluntish,
the others acute, all sharply serrated with rather distant
teeth, attenuated at the base into a sort of footstalk.
Racemes terminal, from 1 to several flowered,
according to the strength of the plant. Floivers nodding,
of a delicate light blue. Pedicles and Gertnens
tinged with purple. Calyx .5-parted, segments lanceolate,
acute, entire, fringed with glandular hairs. Corolla
campanulate, deeply 5-lobed; lobes spreading, acute.
Stamens 5, short, surrounding the style, the base of the
filaments dilated and flat, single nerved, and fringed
with short glandular hairs : anthers acute. Style pubescent,
thickened upwards, scarcely as long as the
corolla, surrounded at the base by a short membranaceous
annular ring. Stigma short and thick, .3-lobed,
the lobes at first closed, afterwards spreading.
This beautiful perennial plant is a native of Dahuria;
the one from which our drawing was taken, was raised
in 1822, at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from seed sent
by Dr. Fischer, who has separated the present very
natural genus from the overgrown one of Campanula;
to this genus belongs, besides the present species,
A. verticillata. A. marsupiiflora (Campanula coronata.
B o t. reg.) A. Gmelini. A. denticulata (Campanula
tricuspidata R . S.) A. latifolia. A. Lamarckii.
A. stylosa. and A. communis (Campanula liliifolia,
suaveolens, &c.)
The present species requires to be planted in a warm
border, in light rich soil, and a dryish situation, as it is
likely to suffer from too much moisture; it will also
thrive well in a small pot, but will not grow so strong;
the plant from which our drawing was made, was cultivated
in the latter way.
I . Calyx, and inferior germen. 2. Corolla spread open. 3. The 5 Stamens
surrounding the Style , showing how they are connected by th e ir glandular
hairs. 4. Stamen sep a ra te , showing th e fringed hiament. 5. Style surrounded
a t the base by an annular membrane, and te rm in a ted by a spreading 3-lobed
Style . 6. Stigma with the lobes closed.