or between the two leaves nearly cylindrical, bent forward,
thickly clothed with unequal, spreading, Avhite
hairs, and a viscous clamminess, as is the calyx and
tube of the corolla. Cflyx deeply 5-cleft; segments
unequal, spathulate, distantly spreading, very hairy
and fringed, their points recurved: the 2 upper ones
largest. Flowers large, sweet scented. Corolla funnel-
iorm : tube an inch and a half long, bluntly quadran-
g’ular at the base and inflated upwards, numerous
green veins running down it from the limb; limb flat,
spreading, nearly 2 inches across, deeply 5-lobed, white,
with a green line from the point of each lobe; yellowish,
and beautifully netted Avith black or dark purple
in the throat: lobes broad, truncate or slightly rounded.
Stamens 5, inserted above half way up the tube and
decurrent doAvn it, included Avithin the mouth: fila ments
smooth, bent near their insertion: anthers incumbent,
2-celled, slightly sagittate at the base: pollen
pale yelloAv. Germen conical, smooth and glossy.
Style smooth, about the length of the stamens. Stisma
capitate, slightly 2-lobed.
This fine flowering and delightfully fragrant plant is
a native of South America, from which delightful country
we are continually receiving valuable acquisitions
for adorning our gardens. The present subject is related
to the Tobacco, and it may be sown in the borders
as an annual, Avhere it will produce its flowers, the
latter part of Summer and Autumn; it strikes readily
from cuttings; and if the plants are taken up in Autumn
and potted, they will remain perennial, if placed
in the greenhouse or in a frame, so as to protect them
from frost, and then to turn them into the borders in
Spring; they will continue to bloom all the Summer,
and Avill ripen their seeds; or they may be grown in
pots, as they can then be removed into the house, or
Avhere they are Avanted. Onr drawing was taken
from a plant that Avas raised from a cutting given us by
H. B. Ker, Esq.
1. Calyx, ihowmg Its unequal spathulate segments. 2. Tube o f the Corolla
spread open, showing th e insertion o f the 6 Stamens. 3. Stamen detached.
4. Germen, terminated by the Style and 2 lobed capitate Stigma.