nearly double the size of the outer ones. Stamens 3,
inserted in the mouth of the tube; filaments smooth,
flattened on the inner side and rounded on the outer,
about the length of the anthers, which are sagittate,
2-celled, bursting on each side to discharge the pollen:
pollen yellow. Style smooth. Stigmas 3, slightly
spreading, crested a little, of a bright orange colour,
about the length of, or a little longer than the stamens.
The present plant is nearly related to C. biflorus;
but in that the segments of the perianthium are equal,
and all of them rounded, and the outer ones are much
more striped with purple, the flowers are double the
size, the tube is also much larger in proportion, and
more rounded. Mr. Colvill received the plants from
which our drawing was taken, last Autumn, from
Professor Tenore, Avith several other curious bulbs;
amongst them AAere his Narcissus prcecox and unicolor;
the former proves to be N. italicus, and the other
N. papyraceus. Amongst the plants received from him
are his Iris fugax, and I. scorpioides; the former is a
Mor®a Avithout doubt, and related to M. Sisyrinchium ;
of this we hope to publish a figure in our next Number
; the other, Ave fear, will not flower this season,
but the plants are thriving very well. Several Orchi-
deous plants have also been received from him, some
of Avhich we hope Avill flower this season.
Our present subject is a native of Naples, and succeeds
Avell in the open borders, with the same management
as the other species ; it is a very early bloomer,
our drawing being made from plants in full floAver,
the latter end of February.
1. Perian th ium spread open to show tlie insertion o f the Stamens, every
othe r segment cu t off. 2. Stamen d etached. 3. Germen te rmina ted by the
Style, and 3 Stigmas.