ADENOPHORA denticulata.
Toothed Adenophora.
Natural Order. C am p a n u la c e a ;. Brown p ro d r.1. p . 559.
A D E N O P H O R A . Supra, fo l. 104.
A. denticulata, caule stricto, foliis subovatis grosse serratis,
paniculà subracemosà, segmentis calycinis ovatis acuminatis
argute denticulatis, stylo incluso. Fisch. Adumb. gen. adenoph.
p. 5.
Adenophora denticulata. Fisch. In d .p l. p. 1824. hort.
p .2 .
Campanula tricuspidata. Rwm. et Schult, syst. 5. p. 158.
n. 230. sp. dubia.
Perennial. Stems erect, from 1 to 2 feet high,
slightly angular, smooth and glossy. Leaves very
variable: root ones very large, cordate, petiolate, unequally
toothed, some of the teeth very large, Avith
smaller ones betAveen them, scarcely pubescent; pe tioles
deeply channelled on the upper side, and
rounded on the lower, purple at the base ; stem leaves
ovate or ovately lanceolate, acute, very sharply serrate,
slightly pubescent, loAver ones Avith short footstalks,
or attenuated at the base, upper ones sessile. Flowers
paniculate, more or less branched, racemes 3 or more
floAvered, Avith small sharp bractes at the base of each
footstalk. Pedicles short and slender, nodding. Germen
beloAV the calyx, smooth. Calyx deeply 5-parted,
segments spreading, ovate or broadly lanceolate, taper-
pointed, Avith 2 or 3 sharp teeth on each side. Corolla