g'inous woolly hairs. Corolla campanulate, 5-angled,
clothed Avith decumbent hairs-, green tinged Avith
hroAvn, the limb 5-lobed; lobes broad and rounded,
reflexed or revolute. Stamens 5, inserted in the hase
of the corolla, and connivent at the points: filaments
hairy, dilated at the hase, and tapering upwards:
anthers 2-lobed, sagittate, open at the base and point to
discharge the pollen. Germen smooth. Style smooth
and glossy. Stigma capitate, emarginate : Berry dry,
enclosed in the calyx, nearly globular, 2-celled, many
seeded, the seeds flat, kidney-shaped or nearly so, inserted
in the thick fleshy honeycombed placenta.
Onr draAving of this curious plant Avas taken from
strong specimens floAvering in the open ground at the
Nursery of Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Milne,
Avhere it Avas first raised from seeds given them, Avith
numerous other curious seeds from Nepaul, by Robert
Henry Jenkinson, E sq .; it has succeeded Avell in the
open borders these three last winters, so that no doubts
can be entertained of its being hardy; it also perfects
its seeds, so that it may soon become plentiful: on
examination, it proves to be a very distinct genus,
nearest related to A ni sod u s of Link, in Sprengel’s
Systema Vegetabilium ; we have named it in compliment
to our respected friend, Mr. Reginald Whitley,
Avho has, through his numerous correspondents, been
the means of introducing a great number of ncAV plants
to this country; and Ave are someAvhat surprised that his
name has not been attached to a genus long before this.
As the present plant groAvs to a largish size, and
also to a good height, being about 5 feet high, if grown
in rich soil, it will require to be planted at some distance
from any other plants, and will be most suitable
for the back of the floAver borders.
1. Calyx, showing its strong nerves an d torn limb. 2. Corolla sp read open,
showing its 5-lobed limb, and th e 5 stamens in se rted a t th e base, showing th e ir
haii-y filaments. 3. Germen, te rm in a ted by th e Style and emarginate Stigma.
4. F ro n t view o f the 2-celled d ry Be rry . 5. Side view o f th e same, showing
th e la rge fleshy honeycombed P la c e n ta in which th e seeds a re fixed. G. Seed.
7. A n th e r d e ta ch ed , showing the opening a t the top an d bottom for th e pollen
to escape.
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