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Early-flowering Mandrake.
Natural Order. S olaneæ. B row n p ro d r .l.p . 1A3.
Tribus I . Corolla limbo sæpiùs plicato. Stamina numero la-
ciniarnm. Embryo valde curvatus. Brown loc. cit. p . 111.
A. Pericarpium haccatum.
M A N D R A G O R A . Calyx turbinatns, 5-fidus. Corollacam-
panulata, 5-fida. Stamina 5 ; imæ corollæ inserta; filamentis
basi dilatatis et conniventibus, apice filiformibus divaricatis.
Germen basi biglandulosum ; stigma capitatum sulcatum. Bacca
carnosa, solida, unilocularis, polysperma. Semina reniformia,
serie simplici (peripberica.)—Herbæ macrorhizoe; fo lia radicalia
; scapi inter fo lia conferii 1-flori.
M. præcox, foliis lanceolato-oblongis obtusis undulatis bullato-
rngosis villoso-pubescentibus cum floribus nasoentibus, scapis
unifloris aggregatis, calycis laciniis lanceolatis acutis cariua-
tis, laciniis corollæ reflexo-patentibus.
Mandragora præcox. Swt. hort. hrit. p . 298.
Atropa Mandragora. ¡3. fol. minoribus angustioribus et magis
undulatis. Bam. encycl. 1. p. 391. Pers. syn. 1. p . 218.
R o o t large, fusiform, often forked. Leaves springing
from the root at the same time as the flowers, narrower
than in M. vernalis, lanceolately-ohlong, hluntish, very
much undulate, and ruggedly blistered, clothed with
long deciduous down, particularly underneath, at the
hase, and on the nerves; of a glossy green on the upper
side, and pale dull green on the lower. Petioles
broad and flat on the upper side, bluntly keeled on the
lower, densely clothed with long villous down. Scapes
numerous, 1-flowered, aggregate, shorter than the leaves,
gradually thickening upwards, very thick and slightly
angularjust helow the calyx. Calyx 5-cleft, villous, purple
at the base; segments erect, acute, strongly keeled
down the back. Corolla campanulate, thickly clothed
with a dense wool: of a yellowish brown, tinged with
hlue, more than double the length of the calyx: segments
2 c 2