Style smooth, shorter than the tube. Stigma capitate,
slightly 2-lobed. Capsule about the size of a small pea,
nearly globular, very thin and of a membranaceous
texture, strongly veined with numerous green veins that
are more or less branched, and"containing a single large
rugged seed, of a yellowish brown colour; this, when
sown, vegetates in 3 or 4 days; the Cotyledons are very
large, 3-lobed or 3-toothed, side lobes very short, middle
one long and acute. Bractes and Calyx persistent, increasing
in size as the seeds ripen ; when ripe, the segments
of the calyx are radiately spreading, roundly
spathulate, strongly 3-nerved, and reticulately veined.
As the different genera belonging to Convolvulaceae
are chiefly characterised by their stigmas and capsule,
we certainly could not retain the present plant in the
genus PoRANA, the original species of which are described
with a campanulate corolla, a 2-cleft style, and
a capsule of 2 cells, not one of which characters agree
with our present subject; and we believe that V.pani-
culataoi Roxburgh, and P . of Wallich, in
the Flora Indica, will prove to be congeners of our
plant. We stated our opinion to Mr. David Don, \/ho
agrees with us that it should be kept distinct from
Porana, and who pointed out to us that it had already
received the name of D i n e t u s by Hamilton, under
which name, as well as Porana dichotoma, it is preserved
in Mr. Lambert’s Herbarium; we therefore
adopt his name. Mr. Lambert was also so kind as to
show ITS very luxuriant specimens grown at Boyton, in
Wiltshire, where it covered an arbour, and flowered
profusely: it is a hardy annual, and may be sown in
tlie open ground, in a warm situation, early in Spring.
Drawn at tlie Nursery of Mr. Colvill, where it was
raised from seed given him by Mr. Hood, of South
Lambeth, that had been received from Nepaul.
— —
1. Calyx. 2. Corolla sp read open, to show the. insertion o f the 5 Stamens.
3. T h e Germen and Style te rmin a ted by a cap ita te , slightly 2-lobed Stigma.
4. The dry membranaceous Capsule dive sted o f th e calyx. 5. The brown
rugged Seed. 0. One o f the b ractes and calyx, a t the time th e capsule is ripe,
to show how much they a re increased in size. 7. Young p la n t from seed, to
show th e acute lobcd Cotyledons.