POTENTILLA atrosangiiinea.
D a rk Crimson Cinquefoil.
Natural Order. R o s a c e æ . J u s s . gen. 334.
Tribus I I . P o t e n t i LLÆ. Calyx explanatus, persistens.
Ovarla 2, vel plura, sæpius indefinita, libera, unilocularia •
ovulum 1, appensum, adscendens vel suberectum. Akenia
' receptáculo exsucco vel carnoso imposita, exsucca vel drupacea.
Radícula supera vel infera. Herbæ rarius frútices.
K unth. synops. v. 3. p . 464.
P O T É N T IL L A . Calyx fundo concavo ; limbo explanato
qumquepartito, patente, externe quinquebracteato. Pétala 5
calyci inserta. Stamina circiter 20, ibidem inserta. Ovaría
crebra, receptáculo convexo imposita, sessilia, unilocularia •
ovulum I , infra apicem suspensum. S ty li laterales. Akenia
exsucca, receptáculo exsucco imposita. Semen infra apicem
suspensum, pendulum. Radícula supera. Herbæ, rarius
frútices. Folia alterna, impari-pinnata, pinnatifida,’digitata
aut ternata. Stipulæ 2, petiolo adnatæ. Pedunculi ax'illares
et terminales, uni-aul multiflori, plerumque per corymhos dispositi.
Corollæ fla va vel crocea, rarius alba vel rubra.
Kunth loe. cit.
V . atrosanguinea, sericeo-villosa, foliis ternatis petiolatis; foliolis
obovatis inciso-serratis subtus niveo-tomentosis, segmentis
calycinis bracteolisque ellipticis acutis, petalis obcor-
datis, caule simplici assurgente. Don prodr. j i . nepal. p. 232
Potentilla atrosanguinea. Lodd. bot. cab. 786.
R o o t perennial, herbaceous, branching round in all
directions; branches simple, spreading, the points
ascending, 3 or 4 times or more forked, thickly clothed
with unequal spreading villous hairs, more or less of a
purplish colour. Leaves ternate; lower ones with
long petioles, stem ones nearly sessile: leaflets broadly
ovate, obovate or wedge-shaped, oblique at the base
more or less plaited, slightly concave, deeply serrate’
the teeth numerous, close to each other, imbricate at
the base, the points terminated with a bunch of hairs •
strongly and numerously nerved underneath, and channelled
above, the upper side of a bright green, clothed
Avith silky villous hairs, underneath densely clothed
with white wool. Petioles flat and furrowed on the
upper side and rounded on the loAver, the upper side