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J/i 174
VIOLA lanceolata.
Spear-leaved Violet.
Naturai Order. ViolarieÆ. D C . pro d r.I . p . 287.
V IO L A . Supra, fo l. 69. , j .
Sect. I. N omimium. Stigma rostratum, foraminulo ad extre-
mitatem rostri sito; rostrum plùs minùs recurvum, nunc deor-
sùra marginatura et tunc planiusculum et obliquum, nunc absque
margine et tunc deorsùm convexiusoulum. Stylus ab apice ad
basin attenuatus. Stamina oblonga approximata. Torus planius-
culus. Capsula sæpiùs trigona. (Semina 15-27. Folia seminalia
sæpe obovata vel oblonga. , . .
§ Stigmatibus apice depressis, aut deorsùm in orbem margincàis,
caulibus subnullis. _ • T»r<
** Radicibus rugosis plus minùs lignosis et ramosts. HU.
prodr. 1. p.292.
V. lanceolata, stolonifera, stigmate marginato rostrato, folns
lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis serrulatis glabris, stipnhs liberis,
sepalis lanceolatis acutis, petalis superioribus rotundatis reflexis
: 2 lateralibus barbatis : inferiora multistriata.
Viola lanceolata. DC.prodr. 1. p . 293. Rcem. et Scliull syst. 5
p. 354. Spreng. syst. veg. 1. p. 798. Mieli, jl. amer. 2. p . 150.
Pursh. Amer. sept. 1. p . 172. N u tt. gen. amer.L p . 150.
Forst, in Linn» trans, 6. p» 310. Lodd» hot, cab. t» 211-
Stem short and fleshy, producing a few short and
thick rugged hranches, and throwing out runners underneath
the ground, which extend themselves, and
produce young plants. Leaves variable in breadth,
narrowly or broadly lanceolate, or sometimes nearly
elliptic, acute, attenuated at the base and down the
petiole, slightly serrulate, the teeth curved inwards,
and close pressed to the leaf, smooth on both sides,
minutely punctate, strongly and numerously nerved
underneath. Petioles long and slender, slightly winged,
flat on the upper side and convex underneath, more or
less dotted with smallish pa.le red specks. Flowers
numerous, white, striped with dark purple, without
scent. Peduncles about the length of the leaves, bluntly
quadrangular, furrowed, smooth, also marked AVith numerous
pale red spots, and producing two lanceolate
taper-pointed bractes about the middle ; those on some