men: filaments very long, doubled up before the expansion
of the flower, afterwards exserted and spreading;
smooth, broad at the base, and tapering upwards, attached
to the back of the anthers. Qermen smooth, nearly
globular, 3-celled,6-lined. iS'fyZesmooth, filiform, ascending,
the point slightly reflexed. Stigma a simple point.
For the opportunity of giving a figure of this rare
plant, Ave are indebted to Mr. William Anderson, the
Curator of the Apothecaries’ Company’s Garden at
Chelsea, who kindly informed us when it was in floAver;
the plant from which our drawing Avas taken, is cultivated
in the open ground, in the botanical arrangement
of hardy perennial plants, where it has ripened its seeds.
It is a native of Tauria and Caucasus, and is perfectly
hardy, thriving best in a light loamy soil, and may be
increased hy seeds, or dividing the roots.
! ' ii-
1. The six leaflets o f the Perianthium , the th re e oute r ones la rg est. 2. The
6 smooth Stamens, longer than th e P erian th ium . 3. Germen, te rmina ted by a
slen d e r smooth Style and simple Stigma. 4 . Flower overblown, showing its
involute leaflets.
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