LOPEZIA coronata.
Coronet-flowering Lopezia.
Natural Order. Onagrakiæ. J u s s . ann. mus. 3. p . 315.
L O P E Z IA . Cahjx superus, quadripartitus, deciduas. Corolla
tetrapetala, irregularis. Stamina 2 ; altero sterili, petali-
formi. Anthera oblonga, incumbens. Stigma capitatum.
Capsula subglobosa, quadrilocularis, apice tantum loculicido-
quadrivalvis, nuda. Placenta centralis dissepimentis semper
adnata permanet. Kunth. synops. 3. p. 389.
Herbæ erecta, ramosa. Folia alterna, dentata. Flores
terminales racemosi, aut axillares solitarii, lonye pedunculati.
Corollæ purpureoe.
L. coronata, foliis lucidis, caule angolato e petiolis decurrentibus,
corymbis inferne foliosls. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v . l . p . 10.
Lopezia coronata. Andrews’s reposit. 551. Roìm. et Schult.
syst. 1. 34. L in k enum. 1. p . 6.
Annual, much branched at the base. Branches from
1 to 2 feet long, spreading in all directions; angular,
occasioned by the decurrent footstalks of the leaves,
smooth, or slightly pubescent at the points, with some
small red glands interspersed here and there, likewise
on the petioles. Leaves scattered, alternate, opposite
or in whorls, elliptic or ovate, often oblique at the
base, shallowly and remotely toothed, glossy; nerves
numerous and prominent underneath, simple. Petiole
shorter than the blade, channelled on the upper side,
and convex on the lower, pubescent. Peduncles axillary,
solitary, 1-flowered, very slender, smooth and
glossy, of a purple colour, erect when in flower, but
declining when in fruit. Flowers crowning the branch
in a horymb-like form, owing to the closeness of the