CALOPOGON pulchellus.
Tuberous-rooled Calopogon.
Natural Order. OrchidEtE. Brown prodr. 1. p. 609.
Sect. I I I . Monandra:. ^nZ/icra terminalis, inserta, persistens.
Massm pollinis v. pulverem v. e corpusculis angulatis :
basi V. infra apicem alfix®. Brown Hort. Kew. ed 2 v 5
p. 201.
C A LO PO G O N . Lahellum posticum, unguiculatum : laminabarbata.
PerianZ/iit foliola 5, distincta. Co/wmnalibera.
Pollen angulatmn.
C. pulchellus, foliis ensiformibus striato-venosis acutis.
Calopogon pulchellus. Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p.
N uttall gen. amer. 2. p . 193.
Cymbidium pulchellum. Willden. sp. pi. 4. p. 105. Pers.
syn. 2. p. 516. Pursh.fl. amer. 2. p. 592.
Limodorum tuberosum. Curtis magaz. 116.
R oot small, a bulb-tuber, nearly sphærical. L e a f
erect, inclosed in a tubular blunt sheath, ensiform, tapering
at both ends, striped Avith several longitudinal
small veins, of a pale green colour, upper side glossy.
Scape erect, or a little flexuose, about 18 inches in
height ; cylindrical beloAV the floAvers, and flattened
upAvards, smooth or very slightly pubescent. Raceme
5 or 6-floAvered. Bractes small, concave, acute, not
half the length of the germen, Avhich it supports at the
base. Floivers varying in colour, lilac or purple.
Perianthium of 5-leaflets, spreading : 3 outer ones
largest, sharp-pointed, strongly nerved, upper ones
oblique, curved backwards, slightly concave, chan- '
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