LEONTJRUS heterophyllus.
Various-leaved Mother-wort.
Natural Order. L a b i a t æ . Brown prodr. 4.99.
Sect. I I . Staraina4 fertilia, antheris omnium v. duorum com-
pletis.^—-A. Calyx regularis 5-fidus v. 5-lG-dentatus.
L E O N U RU S . Calyx 5-dentafas. Corollce labium superius
iutegrum; i?/en«s tripartitum : laciuia media iudivisa. Antlie-
roe lobis paralielis. Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p . 405.
L. heterophyllus, foliis inferioribus cordatis subrotundi.s crenatis
lobatisque ; mediis tripartitis basi cuneatis : segmentis lanceolatis
acuminatis: lateralibus bifidis: terminalibus trifidisinci-
sodentatis; foliis terminalibus simplicibus lineari-lanceolatis,
calycibus piingentibus subpubescentibus, galea corollæ planL
uscula recta extus villosa.
Leonurus heterophyllus. Swt. hort. hrit. p . 321. '
Annual. Stem erect, 2 feet high, hranched a little,
hluntly 4-sided and channelled, densely clothed with a
short hoary pubescence, bearded at the joints with a
circle of long spreading white hairs: hranches spreading,
or nearly erect. Leaves very variable, slightly pubescent
on both sides, the nerves more densely so:
lower ones cordate, nearly round, doubly crenate, every
alternate notch very small, the next are irregularly lobed,
also cordate, the lobes blunt and notched; those
higher up the stem are wedge-shaped at the base, deeply
3-parted, the sinuses rounded; side segments bifid, the
lower one 2-lobed, and the upper one 3-lobed, and
hluntly toothed: terminal one trifid, the segments more
or less cut and toothed, oblong or lanceolate, those from
above the middle of the stem acuminate: above those
are trifid leaves, the segments linearly-lanceolate, taper
pointed, some sharply serrate, others entire: terminal
ones simple, linearly lanceolate, taper-pointed, and
quite entire. Petioles long, densely pubescent, channel
led on the upper side, and convex on the lower. Floiv-
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