shorter than the bractes, glutinous, hairy. Calyx narrow
at the base and Avidened at the point, two lipped,
many-nerved and sulcate, very glutinous and hairy;
upper lip entire and sharp-pointed; lower one 2-cleft,
the segments with sharp points. Corolla tubular, 2-
lipped, clothed Avith villous down, yellow, irregularly
spotted and marked with brOAvn, particularly on the
helmet or upper lip, which Avhen spread out is nearly
obcordate, or 2-lobed, but those are conniyent, which
gives an appearance of being entire and pointed ; lower
lip 3-lobed; terminal lobe large and rounded, cucullate,
elegantly crenate or toothed, of a bright pale
yellow : side ones smaller, imbricate over the large
one, spathulate, faintly spotted. Stamens 2 fertile and
2 sterile, all inserted in the tube : fertile ones jointed
about the middle, where a spur proceeds from each and
joins them together, the points declining: anthers linear
: pollen yellow. Style smooth, about the length
of the stamens. Stigma bifid, purple, the segments
unequal in length. Seeds 4, naked, seated on a fleshy
yellow crown.
This very distinct species of Salvia is a native of the
high mountains of Nepaul, groAving, as the specific
name implies, up amongst the clouds ; the plants from
which our draAving was made, was raised at the Nursery
of Mr. Colvill, in 1823, from seeds given him by
Mr. Hood, of South Lambeth, with seeds of many
other curious plants from the same country; the present
plants have attained the height of 3 feet, and did
not produce their flowers until last October; they appear
to thrive well in the common garden soil, and
may be increased by dividing at the root, or by cuttings
planted under hand-glasses ; but they do not appear to
perfect any seeds at present. ; I'.
1 Calvx, showing its 3 segments, and th e viscous glan d u lar h airs. 2. Corolla
spread open, to show th e 2 sterile and 2 fertile Stamens th e filaments on
th e fertile ones jo in ted , and connected by a process a t th e jo in t. 3. m e 4 naKca
Seeds, seated on a crown, te rm in a ted by th e smooth Sty le an d unequally b ip
a rtite Stigma.