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AN AG ALLIS indica.
Indian Pimpernel.
Natural Order. PKIMU LA C EA 5 . Brown prodr. 427.
A N A G A L L I S . Calyx 5-partitus. Corolla rotata, 5-tida.
Stamina 5 : filamentis hirsutis. Stigma 1. Capsula globosa,
circumscissa polysperma : placenta centrali. Caulis 4-angulus.
Folia apposita. Flores solitarii axillares.
A. indica, caule adscendente ramoso subalato, fohis sessi ibus
cordato-ovatis margine scabris obtusiusculis amplexicaulibus
subquinquenerviis subtus punotatis, calycibus acute cannatis
petalis dentatis paulo brevioribus. c,, m r.
Anagallis arvensis. Wallich Flora indica. 2. p. 24. Tliunb.
ja p . 83. nec aliorum.
Annual. Stem erect, or ascending, branched:
branches smooth, quadrangular, slightly winged.
Leaves opposite, cordately ovate, mmntely crenulate
or scabrous at the margins; bluntish, clasping the
stem, 5-nerved at the base, and dotted underneath with
numerous brown spots, points reflexe . e unc es
axillary, slender, a little longer than the leaves, erect
when in flower, but deflexed when in fruit. Calyx 5-
parted: segments lanceolate, acute, sharply keeled,
with scariose membranaceous margins. Corolla lotate,
5-cleft, a little longer than the calyx, of a bright blue,
purple at the base : segments distinct or slightly imbricate
at the base ; broadly obovate, deeply toothed or
fimbriate. Stamens 5, inserted in the base of the corolla
: filaments purple, and bearded with p u ijle clubbed
hairs, and attached to the anthers a little above their
base; noZ/ezi bright yellow. Style smooth, purple.
Stigma slightly capitate. Capsule globulai, smooth,
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