Ii i'
a rich velvet coloui, in the middle of which, on the
smaller segments, is a small white spot, the edges and
points elegantly curled, of a yellowish brown colour.
Stamens 3 : filaments spotted, joined in a tube at the
base, the points spreading: anthers large, 2-lobed,
joined by their back to the filaments: lobes open at the
base, but approaching each other, (not divergently
spreading as in another new species,) pollen orange-
coloured. Germen smooth, acutely 3-sided. Style
smooth, about the length of the stamens. Stigmas 3,
each bifid, and divided into numerous bristle-like segments,
like a pencil, brown at the base, the points
This beautiful and very distinct species is one of those
already mentioned by us, as having been introduced
from the Cape, by Mr. Synnet, and flowering in the
collection of Mr. Colvill, where our drawing was made
last Autumn ; w'e believe it to be the most beautiful of
the genus, and produces by far the greatest number of
flowers, which, in our plant, continued to open in succession,
for nearly two months; we are fearful that only
one plant of this species is- in the collection, no other
one of the sort having as yet appeared, and by flowering
so late in the season, it did not ripen any seeds, so that
it is likely to be scarce for some time : as this bulb, or
rather tuber, is large, and not unlike a potatoe, it will
require to be planted deep in the ground, full 6 inches :
to be planted out the end of March, or beginning- of
April, in a bed composed of a light sandy soil, such as
is used for Tulips, or other choice bulbous roots, by
the Florists: after flowering, and when the stems are
beginning to decay, the root should be taken up and
laid to dry, out of the reach of frost, till the following
Spring, as it would not be safe to let it remain in the
ground all the Winter, except it was well covered, and
growing in a warm sheltered situation.
1. O n e o f th e o u te r segments o f th e P e ria n th ium . 2. One o f th e in n e r segments.
3. T h e 3 Filamen ts jo in ed in a tu b e with spreading points, each te r min
ated by an an th e r, with 2 s tra ig h t lobes. 4. G ermen te rm in a ted by th e
S ty le an d 3 bifid Stigmas, which a re v ery much frin g ed o r pencil-formed, with
2 membranaceous bra c te s enclosing th e p edu n c le a t th e base.