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Elegant Blumenbachia.
Natural Order. Loaseæ. Juss. ann. mus- 5. p . 21.
B L U M E N B A C H IA . Calyx supems, profunde 5-partitus,
persistens, laciniis æqualibus. Petala 5, limbo calycis inserta
ipsoque longiora, longe nnguicnlata, medio auriculata, concava,
æqualia, patentia. Squama 5, ibidem insertæ, cum petalis alternantes,
integræ, dorso ad basin triaristatæ. i ’famiwa numerosa,
creberrima, perigyna; decem exteriora antlieris destitnta ho-
rumque bina squamis inclusa; reliqua longiora, disposita per
fascículos quinqué, petalis oppositos. Anthera erectæ, bilo-
culares, loculis sulcatis, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ovarium
inferum, subglobosum.tortuosum, 10-costaJum. Stylus!, erectus,
pilosus, indivisus. Capsula subglobosa, tortuosa, 10-costata,
limbo calycis coronata, 1-locularis, ô-valvis, polysperma. Semina
oblonga, rugosa.—Herbæ ramosa, diffusa, piloso-pruri-
entes. Folia opposita, lobata, incisa, scabra. Pedunculi uniflori,
axillares, solitarii. Flores cernai. PeXxAa alba vel pallide flava.
Blumenbachia insignis. Schrader. News o f Literature and
Fashion, vol. 3. p. 268. Siot. hort. brit. addenda.
Stem herbaceous, very much brauched, aud produciug
uumerous shoots from the bottom : branches spreadiug
iu all directions, slightly quadrangular, thickly clothed
with rigid bristles, which inflict a slight sting when
touched, similar to that of a Nettle. Leaves opposite,
petiolate, flat, deeply 3-lobed, the segments again lobed,
divaricately spreading, acute, and toothed with unequal
bluntish teeth, clothed on both sides u ith a short rough
pubescence and some longer hairs intermixed, of a light
green on the upper side and paler underneath. P e tioles
flattened and channelled on the upper side and
convex on the lower, thinly clothed with stinging hairs
and short doAvn underneath. Peduncles axillary, solitary,
1-flowered, rather longer than the leaves, slightly
angular, thickly clothed with a short pubescence and a
few longer stinging hairs intermixed. Flowers nodding.
Bractes 2, a little below the germen, opposite, small,
lanceolate, pubescent, scarcely acute. Germen nearly
globular, tvyisted, 10-furrowed, thickly clothed with
long spreading hairs. Calyx crowning the germen, persistent,
deeply 5-cleft, the segments lanceolate, divaricately
spreading, sometimes toothed, very hairy and
fringed. Petals 5, inserted in the base of the calyx, divaricately
spreading, slipper-form, hollow, with a longish