of the tuhe: filaments smooth, attached to the hack of
the anthers : anthers sagittate. Style smooth, long and
slender, exserted. Stigmas 3, of a hlue purple, each
2 parted and fimhriate, the points curling or twisted
irregularly. Germen 3-sided, 6-furrowed, smooth.
This very pretty plant, Avhich we helieve is now for
the first time introduced to our gardens, is one of the
Cape hulhs that was brought from the Cape by Mr.
Synnet; several other species of this genus are in Mr.
Colviirscollection,andsomeof them quite new, and not
described; we believe more species of new and interesting
bulbs have been brought home by him, than ever
was brought at one time before, by any person; amongst
them we have four new species of Ferraria ! and we
have already flowei'ed five species of Homeria, four of
which are new.
The present plant will succeed well by the same method
as recommended for the cultivation of Geissorhiza
vaginata, in our last Number, 1 .138, to be planted out
the latter end of March, or beginning of April, in a bed
raised a little in the centre and gradually falling to each
side, that the moisture may pass off, without injuring
the bulbs; the soil to be as sandy and light as possible;
and as the present plant is of low growth, it should be
planted in one of the front rows, and not above 3 inches
deep, as the bulb is small, and would be liable to rot if
planted too deep ; as soon as it has done flowering, and
the stalks are decayed, it may be taken up and kept in
a dry place, Avhere no frost can get at it, till the' following
Spring, when the bed must be made up afresh, and
some fresh mould and sand must be added. If left in
the ground all the Winter, it will require covering in
sharp frost, or very wet weather; and if grown in pots
in frames or in the greenhouse, a mixture of loam, peat,
and sand, is the best soil for it. Seeds ripen freely, if
some pollen be brushed on the stigmas when in bloom.
1. Sheath th a t encloses the base o f the tube . 2. Perian th ium sp read open,
dive sted o f th e Stamens. 8. T h e .same divested o f the segments, showing the
Insertion of the stamens, the anthers sag itta te a t the base, and attach ed by th e ir
back to the filaments. 4. Germen, te rmina ted by th e Style and th re e bifid
Stigmas, slightly fringed.
i : .i