out, two-lobed, with a purple mucro betwixt the lobes:
lobes broad, spreading, the points a little oblique or
slightly emarginate, not notched or toothed. Spur
nearly straight or slightly curved inwards, narrowest
at the báse, the point blunt and inflated, a little shorter
than the germen, or rarely of the same length. Stamen
attached to the point of the stigma, lobes near together.
Pollen-masses pedicled, and enclosed within a hood.
Bulbs of this beautiful species of Orchis were received
by Mr. Colvill, last Winter, from Mr. Schleicher,
of Bex, in Switzerland, with those of many other rare
and beautiful species of this family, and many other rare
plants and seeds : the present plant has been confused
with 0 . militaris by various authors, which we believe
must have arisen from their not having an opportunity
of examining the two plants ; Ave had the good fortune
of seeing them both in bloom together at the Nursery
of Mr. Colvill, Avhere our drawings of them both were
made, the beginning of May, and we have published
them both in this Number, that their difference may be
more readily perceived; the present is easily distinguished
from O. militaris by its spur being more than
double the size, and nearly as long as the germen; the
bractes are also much longer, and of a different form
altogether; the side segments of the lahellum are of a
different shape, and its upper side is not so thickly
clothed with tufts of purple hairs, which are also much
smaller, the colour of tbe flowers are also much paler,
but that Avill probably vary in different specimens. The
bulbs Avhen received Avere planted in pots, in an equal
mixture of light turfy loam, peat, and sand, where they
appear to thrive, and have flowered very strong; but
Ave believe there is little chance of increasing them in
this country, except they Avere planted where O. fusca,
or any nearly related British species grows w ild ; in
such a situation there can be no doubt but they would
establish themselves.
I . The th re e outer leaflets o f th e P e rian th ium , showing th e elegant i
lines on th e inside. 2. The two in n e r ones, which a re narrow an d linear.
3, Lahellum, showing the little tufts o f purple hairs on the u p p er surface.
4. The Anther attach ed to the Stigma, below whicli is th e S pur, tlia t is n ea rly
as long as the germen. 5. B rac te th a t surrounds th e base o f th e germen.
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