I.?•V ’,,
base of tlie anthers. Germen triquetrous. Style triquetrous,
longer than the stamens. Stigma 3-lobed,
Several bulbs of this pretty species were sent to Mr.
Colvill last Autumn, from Switzerland, where they
were collected by Mr. Schleicher, who sent them under
the name of Ornithogalum sylvaticum, but they are
very different from the O. sylvaticum of Persoon; hut
we believe there can he no doubt but it is the O. luteum
of Willdenow’s and also of Link’s Lnumeratio, but
very different from O. luteum of Linnæus, which is the
species we have already published : we have therefore
given the present plant a name, that will at once distinguish
it from all others with which we are acquainted
; as it is a very early florvering plant, it is
very desirable to grow in the flower borders in tufts,
intermixed with the different species of Snowdrops and
Crocus, that are in bloom at the same time.
Our drawing was taken at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill,
the latter end of last March, it being the first
species of the genus that came into bloom : it is quite
hardy, and will thrive well in any light soil, and may
be increased by seeds, or by oflsets from the bulbs.
1. The 6 segments o f th e P e rian th ium spread open, to show th e difference in
th e ir size. 2. Base of th e Perian th ium divested o f its segments, to show the
insertion o f th e Stamens. 3. The triquetrous Germen, te rmin a ted by th e Style
and 3-lobed fimbriate Stigma.