HOMBRIA lineata.
Lined-leaved Homeria.
Natural Order. IeidEjE. Brown p ro d r .l. p. 302.
H O M B R IA . Supra, fo l. 152.
H . lineata, bulbis cartilagineo-fibrosis : fibris apicè rigidis spi-
nescentibus vaginantibus, foliis glaucescentibus margine incurvis
scapo ramoso longioribus, spatliis multifloris elongatis,
segmentis perianthii acutis : exterioribus majoribus.
Homeria lineata. Swt. hort. hrit. p . 395.
R oot a bulb-tuber, clothed with a hard cartilagineo-
fibrous coat, which terminates in numerous long rigid
awl-shaped horny bristles that encircle the leaves and
scape. Leaves several, ahout a yard in length, broadly
linear, acute, of a stiff coriaceous texture, the points
bent downwards, longer than the scape, the margins
curved inwards, so as to be hollow in the centre, of a
dark green, but slightly glaucous, with a strong white
line in the centre, from the base to the point, and
strongly marked with numerous other green lines or
nerves, which are prominent at the back, and furi'owed
on the inside. Scape branched, sheathed Avith the
leaves, ahove two feet in length, bluntly angular, smooth
and glossy. Spatha very long, 2-valved, many floAv-
ered, each valve slightly keeled, smooth and glaucescent
: outer valve shortest, aud ending in a long taper-
pointed sphacelate point: inner one broader, enclosing
the floAvers before expansion, and terminated in a memhranaceous
lacerate point, divided into numerous taper-
pointed segments. Floivers coming in succession for a
long time, expanding in the morning and closing at
night* of a delicate light copper colour. Peduncles
slender, triangular, scarcely extending beyond the
sheaths. Germen about half an inch in length, heloAv
the flower, triangular and 3-furrowed, glandularly pubescent.
Perianthium spreadiug, 6-parted, the seg-
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