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OENOTHERA serótina.
Late-flowcring OEnothera.
Natural Order. Onagrariæ. J u s s .a n n .m u s ,3 .p .3 \5 .
O ENO TH E R A. Supra,fol. 5 et 133.
OE . serótina, caule adscendente ramoso, foliis lanceolatis acutis
denticulatis glabris basi attenuatis, petalis rugosis, capsulis
pedicellatis oblongis angulato-alatis pubescentibus.
OEnothera serótina. Swt. hort. hrit. p. 152.
R o o t perennial. Stem rather fruticose at the hase,
much hranched ; branches spreading, ascendant, nearly
cylindrical, pubescent. Leaves scattered, narroAvly lanceolate,
acute, slender at the base, obsoletely toothed,
smooth, and glossy. Flowers axillary, solitary, on short
footstalks. PedmcZespubescent. CaZ^a; tubular, pubescent
; tube shorter than the limb, of a light green, gradually
tapering to the base ; limb spathaceous, bursting
on one side for the expansion of the petals ; 4-cleft at
the base, and connected above the middle, terminated
in 4 unequal subulate points. Petals 4, inserted in the
calyx, emarginate, rugose or plaited, strongly veined at
the base, of a bright yellow colour. Stamens 8, inserted
in the mouth of the tuhe, every other one opposite to the
petals : filaments smooth, gradually tapering upwards :
anthers linear, incumbent : pollen granular, connected by
a stringy web. Style pubescent at the base, and smooth
upwards. Stigma 4-cleft, segments blunt, spreading.
Capsule inferior, pubescent, oblong, 4-winged, and between
each wing is an obtuse angle.
This pretty species of OEnothera, which we do not
find described in any work that we have had an oppor