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STACHYS angustifolia.
Slender-leaved Hedge-Nettle.
Natural Order. Labiata:. Brown prodr. 499.
Sect. I I I . Stamina 4 fertilia. Corolla bilabiata. Calyx 5-fidus..
S T A C H Y S . Supra, fo l. 100.
8. angustifolia, herbácea glabra, ramis virgatis diffusis, foliis
linearibus infimis pinnatifidis, floribus geminis pedunculatis
remotis. Spreng. syst. veg. 2. p . 733.
Stachys angnstifoiia. Marsch- Bieb. taur. cauc. 1. 52. Steud.
nomen. I . p . 806. Spreng. syst. veg. 2. p. 733. Swt. hort. brit.
Stachys tenuifolia. Pallas. Link. enum. 2. p . 109. non Willden,
Herbaceous. Stem smooth, hranching, hluntly 4-
sided, from a foot to 18 inches in height, purple near
the bottom: branches opposite, spreading or erect,
smooth and glossy. Leaves opposite, linear, scarcely
acute, rather succulent, a little attenuated at the base:
lower ones pinnatifid, the segments distant, linear,
spreading; others irregularly toothed: upper ones
shorter and entire. Racemes long, the flowers in pairs,
opposite to each other, distant. Pedicles short, clothed’
with short hairs. Calyx equal, campanulate, at last
nearly globular, 10-ribbed, very rough, occasioned by
small stiff hairs that are seated on small warts or tubercles,
5-toothed, the teeth spreading with very sharp
points. Corolla 2-lipped, hairy: upper lip of a reddish
purple, with a dark purple stripe on each side, slightly
emarginate, reflexed a little: lower lip 3-lobed, side
lobes short, slightly reflexed, middle one broad and
flat, rounded, of a pale blush. Stamens 4, inserted in
the tube, 2 a little longer than the others: filaments