flat, pubescent: anthers 2-lobed, attached to the filaments
hy their back. iS'ZyZe smooth. (S'iZg-jwa bifid, the
points equal. Seeds 4, smooth and glossy.
A very pretty hardy herbaceous plant, native of Tau-
ria, and succeeds well in the open borders, where it
will continue to bloom from July to the end of September,
thriving well in the common garden so il; it
will also succeed well in a pot, or on rock-work, to
the latter of which it is well adapted ; it strikes readily
from cuttings, planted in a shady situation, or it may
be raised from seeds, which ripen plentifully.
Our drawing was taken from a fine plant sent to
us in full bloom this Summer, from the Nursery of
Messrs. Charles and James Young, of Epsom in Surry,
a Nursery that is very rich in herbaceous plants, and
where they thrive with much luxuriance, some fine
specimens of which we hope to publish in some of our
future numbers.
1, Calyx, showing th e 5 sharp te e th , and the two small b ra c te s a t th e base o f
th e footstalk. 2. Corolla spread open, to show th e insertion o f th e four S ta mens.
3. The 4 S eeds, terminated by th e Style and c left Stigma.