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RUDBECKIA pinnata.
Fragrant pinnated Rudbeckia.
Natural Order. C o m p o s i t a : . A d a n so n ftim .2 .\0 3 .
Sect. V. H e lia n tH EM . K u n th synops.2. p . iM .
r u d b e c k i a . InpoZMcrMM polyphyllum ; foliolis simplici
aut duplici serie dispositis, patentibus. ReceptaculuM conimm
aut convexum, pateaceam. Flosculi disci tubulosi, hermap roditi
; radii ligu ati, neutri. Akenia compresso-quadrangularia,
apice marginata, subquadridentata, aut calva.—HeibaB S « p e 7m-
pido-scabra. Folia alterna, rarius opponici, integra, lacmiata
ternata aut pinnato-incisa. Flores terminales, so/ifara. Rad us
flavus, croceus aut purpureus ; discus sapissime fusco-violaceus.
Kunth synops. 2. p. 486, 487.
R . pinnata, caule sulcato hispido-pubescente, foliis radicalibus
» pinnatis; caulinis lobatis ternatisque: suminis indivisis . toliolis
lanceolatis acutis subserratis, receptáculo elongato, pap-
Rudbeckia pinnata. Vent. cels. p. et t. 71. Smith
D 73. t 38. Pers. syn. 2. p. 476. Schrad. J®“ ” ' :
p.61. Willd.enum.2. p .9 2 \. M ic h .fl.am e r .2 .p .U i.P u r s J i
/ . amer. sept. 2. p . 576. Hort. Keto. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 130.
Perennial. Stems several from the same root, erect,
4 or 5 feet high, branching, angular, and furrowed with
numerous channels, thickly clothed with a short hispid
nubescence. Leaves variable : lower owes large and pinnate,
the leaflets broadly lanceolate, acute, more or less
serrate, oblique at the base, strongly 2 or 3-nerved underneath,
the nerves branching, rough and thickly
clothed with short hairs on both sides the lower ones
bifid or 2-lobed; stem leaves pinnatifid, deeply lobed,
ternate or trifid, the upper ones simple,
3-nerved and entire: segments and leaflets on the stem
leaves narrower and less serrate. Pf^oles channelled
on the upper side, and bluntly ^ e /ed on the lower, fu -
rowed, and thickly clothed with short hispid haiis,
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