r i l l
are opposite, on others they are at a little distance from
each other, and are alternate. Sepals 5, lanceolate,
acute, nearly equal, eared at the hase. Petals 5, the
two upper ones hroadly ovate, rounded, and reflexed,
quite white with a green unguis, smooth; two side ones
hearded near the hase with short transparent hairs, and
marked with 2 or 3 dark purple stripes: lower one
spathulate, concave, producing a short hollow hlunt
spur at the hase, quite smooth, white, hut elegantly
striped with numerous dark purple hranching lines.
Stamens 5. Germen slightly pubescent. Style smooth,
very slender at the base, thickening upwards and ascending.
Stigma margined and rostrate.
We believe that there is more than one species of
American Violet confused under the name of V . lan-
ceolata by diflerent Botanical writers, and we also believe
that we have seen two very different plants in the
collections of this country, that have both been cultivated
for V. lanceolata, hut we have not had an opportunity
of comparing them; the plants that were brought
from America by Mr. Lyon about the year 1811 or 12
were much slenderer in all their parts, their leaves were
longer and narrower, and the flowers of a clearer white,
hut we cannot say Avhether the petals were bearded or
not; those of our present subject are decidedly so, as
they are described by some authors, while others describe
them as quite smooth ; we suspect that they are
both right, but intend diflerent species, that are much
alike, and have been confused. Should any of our
Subscribers possess the smooth petaled plant, Ave should
very much like to publish a figure of i t ; the Siberian
plant is already ranked as a distinct species by Rcemer
and Schultes, and also by Decandolle, under the name
of V. Gmeliniana. The present plant thrives well in
peat soil, and flowers freely Avhen grown in a pot, and it
may be increased by dividing at the root, or by seeds,
which ripen in abundance.
Drawn at Mr. Colvill’s Nursery, in June last.
1. C a ly x . 2. The 5 P e ta ls , the 2 side ones h e a rd ed , and th e lower one ending
in a blu n t hollow spur a t th e base. 3. T h e 5 Stamens, showing the two lobed
anthers, and the membranaceons point o f the filament te rmina ted above them.
4. Germen, slightly pubescent, te rm in a ted by a smooth Style, and a margined
rostrate Stigma.