Handsome Nepaul Cinquefoil.
Natural Order. R o s a c e a ? . Juss. gen. 334.
Tribus I I . PotentilLjE. K u n th synops. v. 3. p . 464. Supra,
fo l. 124.
P O T E N T I L LA. Supra, fo l. 124.
p . formosa, opaco-virens, pilosa, foliis radicalibus quiuatis; caulinis
ternatis : foliolis cuneato-oblongis serratis, stipulis am-
plis adnatis integerrimis, petalis obcordatis caule decumbente
ramoso. Don prodr. ft. nepal. p. 232—233.
Potentilla nepalensis. Hooker exot. flor. i. bo.
A very handsome perennial herbaceous plant. Leaves
at the root quinate with long stout petioles, that are
more or less tinged with purple, and densely clothed
with long unequal spreading villous hairs : leaflets oblong
or wedge-shaped, slender at the base, sharply serrate
the teeth rounded but acute, finely ciliate, rugose,
stro/gly nerved on the under side, and furrowed on the
upper, reticulately veined, hairy on both sides, but
mostly underneath, of an opaque green colour, lightest
underneath : stem leaves ternate, with very short footstalks
• leaflets narrower and rather more acute : terminal
leaves simple, oblong, acute, and less rugose. S tipules
large, leaf-like, oblongly ovate, acute, entire,
itrongly ciliate, and joined to the footstalks .of the
leaves Flower-stems numerous, decumbent, the upper
part ascending, nearly cylindrical, very much branched,
densely clothed with long, spreading, unequal, villous
hairs, as are the peduncles, bractes, and calyx : branches
much spreading, more or less tinged ivith purple, forked
at every joint, and producing a flower betiv^t each
fork Peduncle stout, cylindrical, purplish. Calyx 5-
parted, segments spreading, ovate acute, strongly
nerved, the base and nerves purple. Bractes 5, attached
to the calyx, lanceolate, acute, flat, or the mar
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