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SALVIA nubicola.
Nepaul mountain Sage.
Natural Order. L a b ia ta ? . B row n p ro d r .l. p. 499.
• Sect. I. Stamina 2 fertilia; v. dum 4 fertilia. Antheras omnium
S A L Y IA . Supra, fo l. 26.
Sect. 1. Calyce trilobo ampliato. Div. 1. Foliis simplicibus.
S. nubicola, caule erecto tetragono villoso apice ramoso, foliis
petiolatis bastato oblongis acutis crenatis basi subcordatis ru-
gosis reticulato-venosis, floribus verticillatis longe racemosis,
bracteis ovatis reflexis ; verticillis 6-floris, calycibus sulcatis
glutinoso-pilosis, corollis villosis : labio inferiori dentato-
Salvia nubicola. Wallich Mss.
R o o t perennial. Stems in our specimens about 3 feet
high, hard and suffrutescent at the base, branching
on the upper part, bluntly 4-sided: hranches purple,
thickly clothed rvith soft villous unequal white hairs.
Leaves opposite, with long footstalks, rugose, reticulately
veined, crenate; lower ones oblongly ovate,
acute, hastate, slightly cordate, strongly three-nerved
from the base, the nerves branching in all directions :
upper ones narrowly oblong, also hastate and slightly
cordate, acute, very much notched at the margins, the
notches rounded and shallow: those near the flowers
lanceolate, not hastate or cordate; all clothed slightly
on both sides with a soft pubescence, which occasions
a soft feel to the leaf. Petioles clasping the stem at
the base, deeply channelled on the upper side and convex
on the lower, thickly clothed with unequal spreading
villous hairs. Flowers in a long terminal raceme,
whorled, 6 in each whorl. Bractes 6 to 8, ovate, acute,
ciliate, very unequal in size, all reflexed. Peduncles