with short unequal hairs. Calyx 5-cleft, campanulate
when the flower is expanded, afterwards hecoming urceolate,
clothed with short villous hairs; segments lan-
cp la te , scarcely acute, remaining persistent, and enclosing
the capsule. Corolla rotate, tuhe shorter than the
calyx; limh 5-cleft, the segments very hroadly ovate,
acute, imbricate. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube ahout
half way down; filaments slender, widened and bearded
at the hase, attached to the hack of the anthers a little
ahove the hase; anthers sagittate, 2-lobed. Germm
smooth and glossy. NfyZe smooth, slender, exserted. S tig mas
in some flowers 2-cleft, and in others 3-cleft, the
segments reflexed.
We do not find any account of the present plant, except
in the work above quoted by Mr. Don; nor had Ave
ever noticed i t in any collection, until we saw it in flower
at the Nursery of Mr. Mackay, in the King’s-road, where
our drawing was made in August last; hut Mr. Don informs
us, that it was cultivated in his father’s garden a
great many years back, and from that stock we believe
the whole of theplants nowin the country have heen produced.
It is readily distinguished, at first sight, from all
the other species hy its compound leaves, thriving well
in the common garden so il; and when grown strong is
about 18 inches in height, and may be increased hy seeds
or dividing at the root.
Mr. Mackay has promised us, that if we will publish
the work on New Holland plants, alluded to in the last
article, he will reserve for it the whole of the numerous
ncAv and beautiful plants that he has lately received from
that country, and AA'hich are now thriving in his Nursery
at Clapton, besides numerous others that he soon expects
from his collector in that country.
1. Calyx. 2. The Corolla spread open, to show th e short tu b e , and the 5 im-
b ric ated segments, the .A Stamens in se rted in th e middle o f the tuhe, bearded
a t the hase. S. One o f the Stamens in a younger s ta te , in serted in th e back of
tlie antlie r. 4. Germen, te rmin a ted by a smooth Style , an d a th re e -c le ft thick