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PRIMULA prænitens y albijlora.
White-jiowered Chinese Primrose.
Ncdural Order. P r i m u l a c e æ . Brownprodr. p.MZt.
P R IM U L A . Supra fol. 8.
P. proenitems, undique inæqualiter pilosa, foliis cordatis lobatis
mcisis dentatis, umbellis multifloris sæpe proliferis, bracteis
lanceolatis mcisis, calyce inflato conico basi intruso.
'■'"'“If prænitens. f y r Botan.regist.5QQ. Spreng.syst.veq.v.l.
p . 573. Swt. hort. brit. p . -3¡2Q. f u s y
a r(^ea, floribus roséis emarginatis.—Primula sinensis. Hooker
Exot.jlor. 105. Sims Botan. magaz. 2564. non Lour.
(3 dentiflora. calyce multifido. corollæ laciniis inciso-dentatis.
K e r loc. cit. Primula sinensis. Lindl. collect, bot. 7. non Lour.
7 atbiflora, floribus albis emarginatis. Supra.
Biennial, or scarcely perennial, every part of the
plant, even to the under side of the corolla, covered
with spreading hairs, which are very unequal in length.
Leaves radiately spreading, with long footstalks, cordate,
flat, or slightly rugose, 7 to 9-lohed, incised, and
toothed with very unequal hluntish teeth, of a pale green
in the white-flowered variety, and purple underneath
m the red-flowered ones. Petioles long ; hroad, and flat
near the hase on the upper side, and channelled upwards,
the lower side rounded. Scapes numerous, from
4 inches to a foot in height, stout, erect, cylindrical.
Umbels many-flowered, generally proliferous. Involucre
of numerous lanceolate acute hractes, several of which
are more or less jagged, or pinnatifid. Pedicles spreading,
cylindrical. Flowers slightly nodding, rose-coloured,
lilac, or white, with ayellow circle at the mouth, on
which is 5 darker spots. Calyx very much inflated, conical,
5 or more toothed, connivent at the point, very
hroad and flat, or truncate at the hase. Coro/Za hypo
crateriform ; tuhe slender, variable in length, contracted
about half its length : limb 5-cleft, large, spreading,
continuing to increase in size after expansion : laciniæ
obcordate, emarginate, or more or less toothed, as in
var. ¡3. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube, close above the
contracted part : filaments very short ; anthers oblong,
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