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F . ] ) J t r u th D t i . f u i , . l y B - f-w c e i.I ji-n l h ° ? £ . WeddeilJj .
SYNNETIA variegata.
Variegated-flowered Synnetia.
Natural Order. l-RiDEM. Brow n p ro d r.l. p 362.
S Y N N E T IA . 5/aZAa bivalvis, membranacea, lacera Ueri-
antJdum 6-partitum, corollaceum, longe tabulosura, subbilabia-
tum,ringens. Stamina 3, adscendentia, basi limbo inserta.
Stigmata 3, apice dilatata, fimbriata, recurvo-patentia. Capsula
oblongo-trigona. Semina globosa, nitida.
S. variegata, foliis ensiformibus acutis basi obliquis distichis,
scapo subramoso foliis subeequantibus, spathis membranaceis
laceris striatis ; segmentis longe acutis, lacinia perianthii suprema
elliptica erecta : 2 lateralibus oblongis apice recurvis ;
3 inferioribus spathulatis concavis medio refractis.
Bulb-tuber about the size and shape of a smallish
Walnut, clothed with a hard reticulately fibrous whitish
shell. Leaves fan-shaped, flat, ensiform, oblique towards
thebase, acute, striated withnumerous small lines,
sheathing at the base, about the length of the scape.
upper OMS sometimes undulate or curled near the margins,
of a pale green colour. Scape sometimes simple,
and sometimes producing a branch or two, the lower
part a little flattened, upper part nearly cylindrical,
sliffhtly glaucous. Spathes 2-valved, membranaceous
striate; much torn at the points, the segments long and
taper-pointed. Flowers from 3 to 5 on each branch,
sessile) Perianthium ringent, 2-hpped, with a long
slender tube, the limb leaning forward: Tube pale,
tinged with purple: limb campanulate at the base,
deeply 6-parted, and marked mside, below the segments,
with 6 elegant dark blue stiapes: upper segment
elliptic, bluntish, erect or slightly twisted, of a beautiful
dark blue, tinged with purple, two side ones oblong,
blunt, slightly reflexed, of the same coloui . 3 lower
ones spathulate, narrow at the base, reflexed about the
middle, where the sides fold inwards, and the points are
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