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very slender at the base, and increasing iii size towards
tlie mouth: upper lip white, slender, linear, obtuse,
entire at the point, keeled at the back: lower lip revolute,
3-lobed, undulate, elegantly spotted and marked
in 3 lines, with bright red spots and marks. Stamens 2,
joined together by the one-celled anthers: filaments
long, smooth, curved downwards, inserted in the mouth
of the tu b e : anthers joined to the filaments by their
back. Style smooth, longer than the stamens, also
curved downwards. Stigma bifid, the lower segment
3 times the length of the upper one.
This beautiful and elegant species of Monarda was
found by Mr. Nuttall in the valley of the Arkansa, in
North America, aud is named by him in memory of
his late friend and companion Dr. Russell; it is certainly
the most beautiful and delicate plant of the genus,
and is quite hardy, having stood well all last Winter
in the open ground, without any protection; figures
of it have already been published in the Botanical
Magazine, and in Dr. Hooker’s Exotic Flora; but they
are "such weak specimens, that they do not give any
idea of the beauty of the plant: the divisions of the
stigmas in the latter figure are represented of nearly
equal lengths, which we believe is not the case in any
species of Monarda ; and it is very probable that the
mistake originated with the engraver, and is correct in
the original drawing, as we know the engravers are
very apt to commit such errors if they are not well
looked after.
Plants of this species were I'eceived hy Mr. Colvill
from America the Autumn before last, and he was also
presented with a plant of it from Mr. Barclay, of Bury-
h ill; it succeeds well in the open borders in a rich light
soil, aud is readily increased by cuttings, or by parting
at the root. Our drawing was made last Summer at
Mr. Colvill’s Nursery.
I . Calyx, showing th e spreading fringed segments. 2. U p p e r lip of the Corolla,
with two very small sterile filaments, inserted about the m iddle. 3. Lower
lip spread open, showing the 3 lobes, and th e insertion o f the two filaments,
th e anthers a ttach ed toge ther. 4. Style te rm in a ted by a cleft Stigm a; one of
the segments very short, the otlier elongated.